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Everything posted by brianih634

  1. Nice to see you back in action Graham, Liking the new grain store Excellent work as usual.
  2. Unfortunately I do not have any more upto date pics. A few thing have contributed to nothing much happening to my tractor, firstly my son was born and therefore my spare time greatly reduced ( not a complaint I may add ), then we decided to move house with no room for my tractor (YET) Due to various sircumstances my tractor has had to move home no less than four times, but now thankfully is actually in a shed that I would be able to work on her, eventually, but I have to help get a MF35x finfished for my friend first before we can start on my one again in ernest. Its his shed my tractor is now in. I shall try to remember the camera next time I'm over at them. Hope I havn't bored you too much. Brian
  3. Last two for now, Was a bit of a tight squeeze to get in the garage, it was surprising how much room there was once she was in and wheels off. Over the next two years in there she had rear axle seals done, engine removed and trans. input seals replaced, front axle pivot pin and bushes redone and various linkages and such freed off. Most thing were seized solid due to her spending a few years resting up in the Orkney isles somewhere
  4. As you see she is a runner, just Check the face of concentration
  5. Second stage, Arriving home to our old house Certainly made all the neighbours look out their windows
  6. Well here we go Finally got round to posting up some pics of my tractor, she was quite a state when I bought her, she's not much better now!!! Got her about seven years ago, delivered to my work where the cab was removed and scrapped, it was just too far gone to be saved.
  7. Last two for now, as you can see I am fast running out of room!! Hope you enjoy the pics and feel free to ask any questions or for any close ups.
  8. This side will be for the farmhouse and livestock side of the farm.
  9. Start of my farm layout, it's taking some time to make any progress
  10. One more from indoors, then we move out to the garage
  11. Thanks for the comments guys. I shall try and take some pics this weekend and post them up. Brian
  12. Thanks Bill, It was nice to meet you to. I should really take some fresh pics for this topic someime as its way out of date I'm far to scared to count them Bill, I might start thinking about what they cost me I prefer to just look and enjoy :)
  13. Couldn't agree more Sean, One of my dad's workmates got seriously injured at roadworks by some wally doing a similar thing
  14. Fantastic pics :) Bored? No way, love looking at pics like these. The last one is just great, a true working shot with the massey showing how hard its working :)
  15. Nice pics Bill, Nice to meet you aswell Thoroughly enjoyed my day out, Mrs ih634 begs to differ though, she was freezing and bored with me stopping looking at tractors and talking to people all the time :D Was talking to a guy whom I used to go to college with and it turns out his family owned the tractor I now have, for a fair few years, and he spent many an hour driving it!! small world.
  16. Scum, absolute scum Sounds like they were watching all the time. Did you lose any of your own tools Gav?
  17. Penrith show is on Sunday 2nd of November this year.
  18. I'll be there again Down Friday night, show on Saturady and home on Sunday at some point
  19. Me to!! Went to Penrith last year and was very impressed by it, looking forward to going this year again
  20. Looks very good Wee Nash, looking forward to the finished article.
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