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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. And on to the scenic displays and items on offer across the massive floor space at Zwolle.
  2. On to the show and this Fendt 930 graced the entrance to the Ijsselhallen. As you all already know, the model tractor for this years show is a Siku Fendt 930. Starting with some shots of the stands from various times of the show during the weekend.
  3. Sean, handsome fellow. ... . I think he was actually tapping his foot to a Bruce Springsteen cover here.. David however was enjoying the aforementioned Grolsch Herfst Bok to worry about the music!! One more of the band.
  4. The stadium to to the rear of the hotel looks to have had a full house for a home game on the Saturday night, a game of dominos anyone?! The beers of choice: The Boss. .... popping a move. . Popping a few nuts. ..
  5. The stunning gas fire in a word but it is far more of a feature than your average gas fire at ten feet long. The bar area during a Saturday night party. Complete with band.
  6. Zwollewood. The mecca for the model farmer and the farm modeller. Home of superb conversions, home of superb layouts. ... also home of the Biffy Hot Roll. .. . the All You Can Eat Chinese at "Wokstadion Zwolle" leading to a morning spent trying to erm. ... pass a breeze block!!! ZWOLLEWOOD The place to be for models, laughs and a few beers or if your name is Laley. . . a Herfst Bok or several!! So onwards with the photos and starting with some from the Hotel Lumen where Andy has booked rooms on our behalf for the last two years and the experience here is top notch. Should have got some of the rooms I guess but I'm sure it can be Googled. The Bar. The colours change, fading through a sequence of blues, greens, yellows, reds and so on. The other end of the bar area with iPads free to use/ These cubes are in the same sequence and are suspended in a shaft from the foyer to the top floor. Looking up from the foyer
  7. Nice photos Erik and great to see all the variations of the Deere's, Case and New Hollands from the European equivalents. I like the 2wd 70 series but those Buhlers look like gangley things don't they?!! I must say though, I'd love to poke about in that breakers yard. Looks like the tractor equivalent of one of those aeroplane grave yards out in the desert.
  8. Yooooooooou blithering idiot, I nearly wet my pants again then!!
  9. Used to check every morning up at Paeroa, Ol. Blimmin' things!
  10. Dropped a Warrior off at Sheerness docks, picked up two 590's from two farms near Bury St Edmunds, two 565's from Cheffins and now tucking myself in near Bedford. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
  11. Bit of a case of Innuendo Bingo last night!!! :ha ha!:
  12. :ha ha!: Didn't think about what I wad writing there then did I?!! Poor 'ol Trace, eh?! :ha ha!:
  13. You having one of those odd days, Barry or is it the change in your hormone tablets doing this to you?! :ha ha!: :ha ha!: :ha ha!: I like the Unimog fire engine, a bit different but not one I'll be buying obviously. I do quite like the Schluter too, I think having now seen a realbone they have grown on me.
  14. Deere-est

    ROS 2012

    Still got that daft coiled up light lead though
  15. A chap of 88 who I delivered a two tonne load of logs today. Frail old chap, not in very sharp shape after a couple if strokes but a regular and very loyal customer. Treated me to a cup of tea, homemade mince pie, a Double Decker and a fiver tip! Not to mention a chew for Zia. Lovely old boy
  16. I' not going to have time tonight and am out on the road tomorrow night so it's looking like the weekend before I get mine up. May well start a new topic though to make it a bit easier.
  17. The Dutch deep visor with the round lights would be immense.... http://www.tyretracks.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/0/0/000_0257.jpg
  18. Crossed it dozens of times, never once thought anyone in a truck could hit is, a van maybe but a frigging great lorry. . ..!!!
  19. That is shocking... hitting a bridge is usually a matter of inches but this bloke has ballsed it up by a good three feet or more for chuffs sake!!!!! What an absolute idiot. The height of his load isn't even the problem here either, he'd not have made it even if he was running empty as the level crossing route for HGV's is like, a mere few metres away - where your mate took the photo from infact!! Honestly, what an A grade pillock!
  20. That is beautiful. .. Trouble is, money don't talk too much before Crimbo
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