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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Had my tanks tampered with last night near Bedford, luckily they hadn't got away with much. I heard a couple of noises so peeked out of a gap in the curtains, couldn't see anything so drew them back and a black car teared off away from my nearside and off down the A421. Pretty professional, they were parked on the bank out of sight of the road and other vehicles. I assume someone sat in the back had an old pump and battery and some cans all ready without even having to get out.
  2. That's a lovely looking model, even the Indians look rather excited about "Big Blue Horse Roar Like Lion"!!
  3. Man with a van, Mark. Course was a bloody good morning spent mind. It should all be part of a compulsory training programme. Daft to teach people only if they do something wrong if you ask me. Now sat at Ipswich Docks, got here bang on the Dockers lunch break after hitting awful traffic on the M4, M25 twice and the A12. I was stationary on the M25 for a whole hour! Got to get tipped here and get to Cheffins and tip and reload yet
  4. I'm on the first plane out!! Love your friends farm, boy oh boy do they have some kit B) Bet the Challenger tour was good too, Erik?
  5. Looks nice for them, Joe. Far more suited to the sort of work it would be doing. Although for the Ag work I do see some nice sets added by a certain 'Perfect' model maker...
  6. I got stuck behind a queue of traffic all following a lorry doing bang on 40mph as it is legally obliged to do so on the A4 between Marlborough and Hungerford. I have never been so infuriated in my life!! Ridiculous rule. . .. hence why I was pinged at 48mph on the A420 on a very similar bit of road!!
  7. Budapest? Bit of a trek for the park and ride though, no?! I'm at my Speed Awareness course today..... After coming up to Newbury on Saturday by mistake....
  8. Lovely to see you posting again! Can we see a few photos, Steve?
  9. That's not an R series, that's a 4 series!! Still, not a bad job mind.
  10. Yes it certainly did, Barry. Very nice one too, lots of huts there all around the Abby.
  11. Oh and we went to Bath Christmas Market today as well as some of the bigger retail outlets at Bridlington. Got nearly all of my shopping done for Christmas including a jacket for Mum and one for my brother, Sylvanian Familes stuff for neices up there. Cider brandy for my Dad and one for us, Elderflower wine for the inlaws, Somerset cheeses to go with a cheese board and wine for my sister, a pretty diary for Nan... Then a scrummy Bratwurst to stop the rumbling tum and four plain chocolate oranges as they seem to be few and far between this year and they were half price
  12. Ours are both 05's too and both with Tipmasters, they go like stink but it is a hard life for them. A full truck is around 2.6cube, we don't go by wieght as it would change with each type of wood, time of year/seasoning etc. Doing it by volume ensures the customer gets the same amount of wood, regardless.
  13. Not the best but a shame to waste it, just get it dry. We get through 1500t at work of mainly beech as it is a hardwood, burns at a good rate and seasons relatively quickly. Ash we also like as it burns very hot but too quickly so you don't want much of it, anything that isn't straight enough to go through the kindling machine we throw in the log shed and it gets mixed in. We also use poplar for kindling but not for logs, its like balsa! Finally oak, burns hot and slow but takes a good two years to season so we dont get a lot of it if we can help it. Everything is bought in by the artic.load through FSC managed woodlands and plantations. Oh and 'a load' is half a Nissan Cabstar, about 1.3cube.
  14. Logs, good clear, cold day for it too. Busy time now for firewood, especially with the local stove centre recommending us with every installation.
  15. Lowloader?! Let me see!!!! Warm welcome to you, now I don't want to see any brotherly squabbles between you two, ok? None of this "he's got more chips than me" or blaming each other for letting in the stray cat again. Oh and no picking on eachother and giving eachother wedgies or Chinese burns aswell!! Auntie Sue won't tolerate it either, she's got a firm hand a roll of duct tape. Pull up a chair, Connel and grab yourself a beer and a FTF Jaffa Cake. You'll not get bored of looking on here, there is some fantastic stuff to be seen, a few laughs and a hint of sarcasm for good measure Welcome aboard. Tris.
  16. I think your detailing - in all aspects - is absolutely superb. This chap looks quite the country pursuits chap now
  17. Once an answer is marked as the best answer, Andy is the topic closed/locked?
  18. Comfortable reading, Harry. Interesting to read your thoughts on machinery as someone who knows how to use the stuff.
  19. How do these JCB machines compare in the market than, Harry? Price wise and so on. Don't see too many of the bigger JCB machines around with the big plant companies carrying two dozen excavators but the smaller companies, they seem to relish having a big JCB in the fleet if they only have half a dozen machines.
  20. :o That's GREAT!! Having seen what goes on with this kind of stuff in Zwolle I can only worship you guys. Inspirational.
  21. The 'HQ'. ... looks like you'd need a degree in electronics just to get near this table!! Works in progress, a land leveller. What a Steiger looks like after it has been extensively modified. And another chassis, showing the kind of machining these guys can do to get what they want. That brings my photos to a close, glad you have enjoyed them as much as I have. For anyone in two minds about going, I hope both Davids photos and my own leave you in no doubt that as much as any show has something another doesn't, this one really is the mecca for everything - scratch built, custom built, diorama, RC. .... It is just superb in all areas and being a two day affair, there is plenty of time to get round it all. The crowds don't stop until 4pm on both days. Coupled to the hospitality we received from the show organisers, the exhibitors, those who attended as customers of the show. ... Even the hotel we stay in. Andys organisation from the months beforehand is top notch too and for the three of us who went with him there is nothing we need to think of or worry about. A magnificent weekend in every respect.
  22. And this rubber duck with three stage boom and working clam shell bucket, a work in progress but not far off completion I'd say.
  23. Working bucket brush!! This fascinated me no end I have to admit!
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