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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. I'm catching up with him today as it happens as I have a seat for him which I collected from Mark last week. Having a swifty down at the new pub in Wincanton.
  2. Bloke Mandy knows does them. Also you can by these for making fire fuel. You can use leaves, wood chip and so on.
  3. I just don't like these different colour machines! :ha ha!: :ha ha!:
  4. And I bet they get paid more than you for it too, Andy that's the daft thing. I did a quite enjoyable stint with an agency, the money was good, flow of work not too bad but had a few days sat up. I NEVER interfered with personal belongings though and always left the lorry ready for the next chap be it the regular or a cover driver.
  5. Buying from overseas can always be a worry. I'm pleased to hear your problem was dealt with professionally and it was a satisfactory experience.
  6. Mmmmmm could go around baling up Ash leaves for incinerating.....
  7. She looks like a very tidy machine, Harry. Is four years the norm for replacements or are machines evaluated on their own merit and changed when hours/age/incoming work dictates? Logs this morning for me, may have a quick duck into the Gauge O show in town on my way home to pick up any scenic tips. Ought to do a bit of Christmas shopping too really. Then, if my van is still blocked in, I might have to go over the road and smack the p***!
  8. Lycra not being one of them I hope!!! :ha ha!: :ha ha!: Also looking forward to this show immensely. Won't be buying too much as I have just written my list to Santa And I have enough of a list to buy for others too
  9. You can use it to bend sheet by running a line of it where you want the bend. Yes, it's great stuff and doesn't leave messy residue.
  10. Could you some photos, information and thoughts on this to the topic Tools For the Hobby Modeller when get familiar with it please, Jack. I have the KS230, it's all in that topic.
  11. I've done EXACTLY the same thing before! It spills flipping easy too as well. I lost near enough the whole damn bottle. Must be in this topic somewhere too :ha ha!:
  12. A tidy machine going out, Harry. Did she come to you new? Quite a yellow fleet there by the looks of it.
  13. Theoretically, I agree. (definitely on the muck distribution in the tub itself). However say the model is £20, that leaves £75 worth of parts and labour. A shaft, paint, 'muck', say what £15? Brings us down to £60 worth of his time. I guess it comes down to what you'd think was a reasonable 'wage' as a modeller. Time is the expense in custom work. Few collectors appreciate it, few builders charge for it. I would have thought a good bloke at weathering could bang these out in a couple of hours, just depends what he'd charge per hour though. A Topix for discussion perhaps?
  14. Doesn't look too bad but leaving those wheels and tyres on let's it down. How much is an original Siku one?
  15. So far. Looks ACE!!! You have got the body work perfect, John. As Barry said, great to see another topic from you involving a scratch build
  16. I was looking at Amblers in Countrywide on Tuesday but had never heard of them before. At least now I can add them to the consideration table, thanks.
  17. Atte, your English is very, very good!
  18. On the contrary, Bill. This topic is far from random and is one that you wern't the first to think of and nor will you be the last. Related topics like these are always served very well as the one coon denominator we all share is our membership to the subject discussion, FTF
  19. Yes, that is all very true indeed. You made a good point, Marcus especially about the financial impact this Forum for one must have on a hobby. They are sure to effect the amount of money being spent as we all see what other people buy, leading us to buy more individually. The manufacturers are sure to have done better, the amount of new manufacturers almost prove that point as they ate all younger than the main Forums. It does seem to be only FTF which also has a strong community feel though doesn't it? I think so. A lot more conversations about a lot more subjects. Some more random than most, of course!! Also the banter which we get here I think is exclusive. It's just as easy to upset someone as it is to be misunderstood, no time more than through the written word. The members here on FTF generally strike a balance on their own though, all credit to everybody.
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