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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Cor that's a nice little number and a bit of an odd one too, Alex. How many funny looks did you get from others then? Ya know, taking photos of. .. tra-urs and stuff ..... . .. flipping weirdo. .. :ha ha!:
  2. Sunday morning it was more 'dump- dump' after that FLAMING chinese!!! :ha ha!:
  3. 214 files being uploaded. . .. fairly damn slow too but I'll get some up as soon as I can. Most will be the same as Davids obviously but some may offer a bit of variation I hope!! Mind you, Davids photos are sharp, crisp and superb I might add
  4. Deere-est

    ROS 2012

    If this was a working model it would rival the sales of lawnmowers!!
  5. An English 18t distribution lorry down the lane leads to our yard. The slogan was "Local knowledge, nation wide". He was a Polish lad, lost! Brilliant! :ha ha!: :ha ha!:
  6. Have a look in the tools topic for that side of it, Lee. Some handy information in there
  7. Covered that area in pooh in recent years :ha ha!: and when I worked for Agrivert it was a frequent trip delivering it to farms in the area from Avonmouth. Today it is back to normality and off to the log yard after an extra hour in bed
  8. This will be a good topic, I was a little reserved and bought mainly old Britains of which there was a massive variety of. Blue post hole borer MIB. Vaderstad rollers MIB. Hurdles with yellow sprue MIB Perfect-32 McHale round bale handler. Show model - Siku Fendt 930.
  9. On the M25 returning The Beams as I type. Great show, great folk and another top weekend. Will write up more of what I thought later on, I have around 150 photos to upload, David has over 400!! Well, he does have a reputation to uphold after all. )
  10. On the M25 returning The Beams as I type. Great show, great folk and another top weekend. Will write up more of what I thought later on, I have around 150 photos to upload, David has over 400!! Well, he does have a reputation to uphold after all.
  11. Just waiting for Late Late David!! Should be a good show, huge stand capacity was filling fast yesterday. Nothing grabs my fancy just yet, maybe a couple of old Britains will stand out for me. Look forward to seeing all you show goers
  12. Poor geegee's Thankfully no injuries etc but it does look like a bit of speed may have lead to a bit of a wobble?
  13. Wonderful conversion, really nice bit of work mate. It all looks very proportional, it's going to look bob on in a diorama.
  14. This is really, really smart Barry. No mess, no heavy handed battering about..... You must be very patient both in the research and the building mate. This one small piece won't even look like a retro fitted part by the time you have finished.
  15. He did, in good time too bless him. The fox just outside Plymo never stood a chance though :ha ha!: :ha ha!: On the EuroStar now. In to the tunnel we go, hands in your own pockets please boys!
  16. Good Morning Zwollers!! I'm up fighting fit and ready for action..... Ok so not quite. Stood up on the main road waiting for Chauffeur Sean, he better not be late!
  17. Blow by blow? You need to talk to Barry about that, he is the Red Light Lover!
  18. Just got in the fecking door!!!
  19. You tried paying with Monopoly money again?!
  20. Another fine specimen this is turning out to be. You'll have a nice line up of different spec 10 series Fords at this rate and I ... .. ..... I will be jealous!!
  21. I'm off to bed at Fleet services again.... Or The Philippines as I come to know it.... Was up at 3 today. Up at 5.30 tomorrow to carry on to Sheerness, drop off a 2620 2wd and an Iveco Cargo then up to Cheffins to reload. Home, chill, bed, up at 4am to await Pullen Vettel!! Got me Euros but have lost the wallet.... Hoping it is at home!
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