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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. I thought that would be the case with the mirrors. Are they convexed mirrors then? I should think those trailers do take some pulling!! I was only saying in Bas's topic just now about the size of the trailers in Holland dwarfing 70 series tractors and these big Richard Westerns are just the same!
  2. Nice set of photos, Jordan. Any idea what the mirror is for on the 87? Big trailers, any sticky moments?
  3. Very nice indeed. I have seen the Shapeways website, it looks like a lot can be done there and they seem like helpful people.
  4. Mmmmmm good point. I can only guess a yes as there must be winter flowering baskets about. Not only that if they have a big roll of it, they may not have sold it all.
  5. I bought mine at a local garden centre. They sell it off the roll so you can just measure off what you want. I used it for meadows and hedges.
  6. Wooooah!!! At least my hair line is still at the front of my head, Gav! :ha ha!: :ha ha!: :ha ha!: Barry this really is fine work mate and the trouble you have gone to on the research part of the project has really paid off in getting your model nigh on perfect, in a word so to speak :ha ha!:
  7. You must be the only Ice Cream Man in the land who had a good summer
  8. Fair play Barry, you have always kept your own work quite quiet in terms of showing it off but good on you for having a go... I mean ya know, it ain't perfect or owt . .. nothing special as far as I'm concerned. ... .. I've seen better . .. Pwwwwwwwwwwwwwft! Who am I trying to kid, eh?!! Looks blimming fab to me, Barry. Delicate work I should think too but it looks the part for it.
  9. Apples from Morrisons, blackberries from Whiterow Farm Shop freezer, the crop around these parts has been awful this year. Nothing out there at all, hardly. No sloes either
  10. Blimey, got a roll on there with that lot. I got another one for the Yesteryear collection
  11. Exactly, Bob. While it is nice to not be at work, I hate having nothing at all to do. Just makes you lethargic, I find.
  12. Best you take some electrical fittings and supplies, Sean. Seems he has run out. Either that or take along an electrical guide for beginners book :ha ha!: :ha ha!: I've had a brilliant day today, was up early due to clock change and out with the dog after getting the woodburner going. Back home for breakfast whilst watching Stobart on catch up, then blitzed through the house work and put some stuff up in the attic. Caulked in the skirting board and cut in the emulsion where it meets the walls. Then got the roast on, beef with all the trimmings. While that was slowly roasting away and filling the house with that lovely smell, I made an apple and blackberry crumble . That was all duly eaten, washed down with a swift Westons, back out with Zia ... Now its invoice time and maybe get a bit of top coat on the skirting Oh and just bagged a blinder on eBay
  13. It's not very often a conversion comes up which is every bit as good or better than a stock model. This is one. You have put together a stunning model, it really does look superb.
  14. That Agrimac tanker is a smart model, Chris. You've such a high quality layout mate. We can never see enough of it
  15. Got my third tip this week from a customer. This news of the recession being over is great!!! :ha ha!:
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