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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. She has been chewing on a lamb bone over the weekend but I did bin it yesterday morning. She travels well in the car and my little van and not too bad in the Cabstar but if it is a longer ride around and a rough but of road she soon stands up, the mouth inflates a bit and she gives you that sideways glance. .. ..!! :ha ha!:
  2. You have done an amazing job of it, really nice looking model to have and extra nice to be able to say you built it yourself too.
  3. Cool, this will look mighty good!!
  4. To put it bluntly . .. .. they're damn awful!! And I still had a load on the front half too. Must be my driving :ha ha!: :ha ha!:
  5. You the boy!! Like that one, perfect for a haybob.
  6. Well it ain't flipping far off perfect if you ask me! Wrapped that one up a treat, I'd say. What's next?
  7. Some nice shots there, especially those of the mowing. Any maize going in straight away or dung going on?
  8. Weekly average of hours are up! April was a slow month what with holiday, wedding in Glasgow, mot and bank holidays all to contend with so seeing the total hours column on my invoice's creeping up pleasing
  9. Tried desperately to stop Zia chundering in the Cabstar long enough to get her out earlier today.... FAIL..... projectile green dog vom straight over the dashboard!!
  10. Your fields and so on are just brilliant, Chris. You have a nice big area to utilise and you have certainly done so. Wish I could see it in the flesh. What make is the Merc Vito?
  11. What a beauty! Looks like she is in fine working condition, Mark. Best way to keep them I think. Fully restored is all very well but it isn't my cup of tea. Any jobs to be done with her during spring?
  12. Sweet. You've made hell of a nice model there, pal. Was it the kit one or a fully self built model?
  13. That 1455 looks like a brutish tractor, I'm liking that one. I alsoike that unrestored Roadless too..... Not to mention the old Pete and the Series 1 Landy! Didn't realise the steam rally was this weekend until Saturday morning, otherwise I'd have gone
  14. New Nikon gone back to Curry's, one major problem and one minor. Ex display though so I guess it is to be expected.
  15. This is brilliant! But I see a clevice hitch on the back so will you make a trailer too?
  16. I expect an update in Ash Tree Farm soon then! Seriously, doesn't sound too enjoyable, hope
  17. No problem buddy. I may have to take some inspiration from you!
  18. I should think on your average UK style of clamp they would be quite clumbersome but on the continent many clamps are on concrete pads without any walls so manoeuvring isn't isn't a problem. Buckrakes are great in maize but in grass the crop tends to hang together so I can see this tool being quite an advantage. Sean, the Octo is for pushing feed up to the barrier like towards the end of the day. A lot if farmers make their own, see quite a few for telescopics etc.
  19. Looks warm up there on that plastic in the sunshine. Bless the little tyke.
  20. Bale wrapping! Only 80 but it's a start and the new wrapper went well, nice to have one where all the functions work as they should too
  21. Just the job. Appreciate that, Jason. I thought they may have been scalloped or star shaped discs to be honest. May I ask how much this machine would cost?
  22. So the soil was worked deep and then left to condition with the help of the winter weather, then this huge to just re-works the top to get your seed tilth? Can we have a photo of soil engaging part of it when you some spare time? I'd like to see what actually does the work
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