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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Nice updates bud, have to say though.... that gateway looks tight!! Impressive layout all in all though, you put a lot of effort into your topic and it shows.
  2. Ha! She doesn't look too fond of hats, eh Tommy?! Does she stay out in a kennel too or has she got a little cubby hole in home?
  3. Especially seeing as Andy sold a MIB one for a tenner less!!
  4. 'alpinefocus' does a few Albutt forks, not sure how many different fittings he makes though.
  5. Big bale grabs, look the same as a flat eight but are longer and narrower for two bales, or wider for three bales. Or prong type where you stack two or three on top of eachother and lift them from the bottom bale. Do a google image search.
  6. Such a shame about the crops, Niels and the Deutz too!! Nice bit of ploughing though, not far off 100% at all.
  7. Image codes are not working for me, Rich
  8. Bliiiiimey!! You don't hang about churning these builds out, Paul!! Another nice model for the diorama. Don't forget the obligatory pair of gloves with a finger missing. ..
  9. I'm doing bits and pieces slowly on a Scania tractor unit but it's that "as time allows" bit I can't get right!
  10. Because Olly hadn't seen it previously nor been on since the changeover. So I guess he had a look back through some boards and having found it, wanted to also add some input Olly has been around since the FTF egg hatched, I think.
  11. Very kind of you to say so, Olly. Glad you see some humour too, it's an attribute I have always had, some get it . ... others are boring! :D There is an eclectic mix here on FTF and just lately loads of new members have really got stuck into posting and putting up work topics, collection pics and layouts. Andy has done a great job giving us all this space to mingle with each other and I'm glad the oldies are still around as much as the newbies keep adding courses of building blocks to the foundations.
  12. Thanks for your indepth reply, I like to read and learn what our members are up to around the world. Is the dry weather unheard of for you or have there been times in other years where this has happened in your area?
  13. I love this one, it's a nice crane you have used for the project. A trailer will finish this off really nicely.
  14. Thatchers Old Rascal is the best, not too strong, crisp, fresh and goes down quicker than a premier league player in the penalty box!
  15. That is a pretty impressive and comprehensive line up of all things 'Inter', Erik. You must have had a pretty good day there!
  16. Oh well, it doesn't matter quite as much then!
  17. Nice little rig you have got yourself there, Olly. Looks the part does that
  18. Ah Giltrap, I think there was a machine made by them at Reymers when I was there come to think of it, Olly.
  19. Like T-Cut it will take a small amount of paint back with it. Once you have done this, polish the whole bonnet up and wax it too. Not on your tractor is it?
  20. Same as, or cutting back paste which is what paint shops use.
  21. Oh Paul, she is a cracker! Looks like she has been up down those ruts once or twice!
  22. P.S What is the big yellow machine on the New Holland?
  23. Great to see Rubens Farm again. A very nice looking farm with lots to see in each photograph. What will you make next?
  24. Wow, some serious models in your list, if what we have seen is anything to go by..... I think we will see some superb models from you
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