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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. I'm over 16 but I am onle 4x2..... :D Will, for the last three or maybe four years I have not managed to get a layout to Toytrac but I think I ought to try this year so come, I'll race ya!!
  2. I have bought a green Volvo in there with a similar trailer before come to think of it. Looking at that trailer, if you cut off the overhang behind the rear most axle, the length would not be far off at all This information is brought to you for free by Hobbit Lorry Spotting!
  3. Could cut this trailer down... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DAF-XF-95-TANKER-TRUCK-SILVER-RED-1-32-DIECAST-MODEL-BNIB-SUPERB-/130646032524?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item1e6b1c408c
  4. Newray are doubles but you won't find many like them in real life anymore, especially on bulkers like the photo you posted, Barry. The chassis on a Newray trailer would suit that type of trailer as the bulker isn't stepped like many are. So that keeps the building of it a bit easier. I have found pipe in builders centres which are a good match for mudguards like that too but again, Newray trailers sometimes have them, have a look at their triaxle tankers - they may be almost perfect if maybe a little long..
  5. No, the mudguards and so forth on the 1/32nd trailers I mean.
  6. That looks like an animal! Fantastic model you have put together again too
  7. Mudguards, depends what you want. Many UH trailers are using commercial spec. parts now as do the real machines they are based on. I have plenty of trailers here, want one?
  8. Having seen them new Fords today I have to say, Britains have changed their game play and are really turning up the heat with these new releases. Yes the linkage is a lump of a feature but it's function before accuracy being a toy. Leave that for a second and look at the rest of the tractor and it's a little diamond!
  9. A skelly is easy as a Newray trailer is pretty much there unless you want to make a functional sliding skelly of course. I'll be making an STAS style plank sided bulker for the Scania I am tinkering with at some point, just need to get to a yard I know to measure one up. Should be fairly straight forward I'd have thought. Given your tractor conversion work, you'll make them with ease mate I'm sure!
  10. Well I have to say I'm glad I caught the show for half an hour on my way back from Glasgow with Traci. I didn't buy anything but it was nice to put some money in the tin so to speak and have a look around. I really like the EMEK Volvo FH12 with 'C Whitehead' on the doors, nice touch. Also as part of the same display were Pauls logging Majors and a Land Rover full of logs. Brilliant work, Paul. Traci was fascinated by Damiens display too, the work in the making and details - especially the 'Rottie' pups, pheasant, rabbits... Wish we could have made it earlier but we left the hotel later and the weather down was atrocious. Round of applause for the organisers and all the traders/exhibitors for getting up there and doing their bit for a good cause. Nice to catch some of you as we flew round a bit quick.
  11. I've been a member on Truck Model Forum fot a while, it isn't too bad but not the content that there is here for this hobby. Which I have to say surprised me given the amount of model trucks there are out there.
  12. We'll see how we get on, be a shame to pass by without stopping. Still, Traci said that about Gretna.......
  13. Currently on our way to Glasgow, returning Sunday. If we get away at a decent time and have time we may just pop in
  14. It should be relatively easy, the old software was a bit restrictive but this new system should make it a lot easier. Click on More Reply Options. Click on Choose File. Choose your file. Click on Attach This File. Repeat. Alternatively use a photograph hosting site such as Photobucket and juat copy the links across.
  15. I have had a very quick glance through your posts so fat but I need to get to a pc quick, my 'phone isn't doing the viewing any justice!!
  16. Welcome to FTF, David. You'll fall into an armchair experience here, it doesn't take long to feel comfortable. We have some 1/64 collectors here among us and some of the layouts and custom buily models in such a small scale have been tt remendous! You wil find plenty to look at. Case IH is brand favoured by many too, not least 'Texas' and 'Ertlerik'. I look forward to hearing more about you farming practices on your farm and the collection you have built up. Looks like you're a dab hand with a sketching kit too, impressive!
  17. Easy does it then Graham. Oh and make sure you milk it for all it's worth too. Sharon, Graham said can he have cream with his warmed up Mr Kipling fruit pie please? Oh and his foot rest needs moving to the left a touch, yep that's perfect! Tomorrow morning I'm off to Sheerness docks in Kent to unload a JCB 3CX and an MF 698 4wd. Then up to a farm in Norfolk to pick up a Massey 590, 2640 and two power harrows. Head home with a night out near Cambridge way. Return to the yard on Thursday and deliver a Massey 168 near Chard in Somerset. Friday, I am driving me and Traci up to Glasgow for a wedding on Saturday, returning Sunday. Monday morning it will be back ob the road as we go down to Ilfracombe in North Devon...... by which time I'll need the bloody holiday I expect!
  18. Oh no mate! Just what you don't need. I hope it isn't a break, Graham. In the meantime you better rest up at Kettler Farm for a few days.
  19. Very good model making skills, I take it you made the bins yourself with moulds?
  20. This is very nice, you seem to have a good hand for hookloader machines and so on. Very smart
  21. Christ, you could push up concrete with that thing! If the real deal looks as good as your scale replica it must be one damn strong bit of kit!
  22. That looks pretty immense already, Alex. I bet it'll sound pretty throaty too.
  23. As well as a DeWalt power driver for my birthday (boarding the attic is imminent!) She also took me to Curry's to buy me a new camera..... Enter a change from my favoured Fuji brand and a fancy new Nikon Coolpix S9100. Switswooooo! Feeling guilty I bought Traci a Nikon Coolpix S3100 in a swanky red colour.
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