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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Thanks for your reply, Jason. Really appreciate your time in responding to all those questions! Sounds like an interesting place to be working with the crops you grow and the drainage to think about too. You have some impressive machinery going by that list and the earlier photos you posted. I did the harvest trail in '03, seems like yesterday still. I loved the expanse of the plains but how close nit the communities are there. I always hoped to return but woman, house and now a puppy have put a stop to those ideas! If there is one common denominator when it comes to farmers the world over it is that they cannot retire!
  2. Thanks for the reply. I saw part of Oklahoma was similar with field size due to the retracing they do there for water retention and soil erosion.
  3. And to stop the roofs blowing off! Not so much a problem with the metal roof on the Masseys (unless it's a rust bucket). The Fords though..... they can detach in the wind, also 600 and 3000 series have rear hinged roof hatches, they can rattle open at 56mph too
  4. In the photo I am parked at Brooke, south of Norwich where I collected the Ford. Last night I was in a layby beside the A11 near Balsham in Cambridgeshire. Left there at 5am and was back in the yard at 8.30 this morning. I like to park near a pub usually, for a good feed, after that then a service area or truck stop. If I'm pushing on and not fussy...... it's a layby beside the A11
  5. Welcome Jason, you have already answered one question I asked in your other topic, 3000 acres was the answer! Is it all in one block? Come to think of it, is the 15,000 acre farm in one block and is it all cropped? The largest landowner in the UK is The Cooperative who own over 50,000 acres and have another 20,000 acres rented from other landowners. That said, just the owned average is across something like 12 different farms right across the country. With so many landowners here, not all of whom actually farm it is difficult to find huge swathes of land in one large farmed block. In some areas of the country though, 3000 acres would be about the norm. I look forward to seeing more from you. That twin stack JD is mighty impressive as is that Massey. The diorama from what we have seeb so far is also a nice looking set up
  6. Lovely photos Jason, really smart machinery you run. Is it your family or a place you work at? Also, could I ask if you'd list all the machinery and tractors etc? Just for ease of reading Do you run your own semis/tandems when you haul the grain away from storage? How many acres do you crop? What are the expected bushels? Plenty of questions I know, but I love topics like these from other countries' members. It's fascinating to see the differences and similarities. :)
  7. Captain Capon pleased me yesterday with his local knowledge to get me to a farm without any hassle. He's a top chap, that Capon! Shame we couldn't catch up for that Sausage and Egg McMuffin though!
  8. Nick is in/near Palmerston North, he'll be of great help to know where to and what to do if you get any free time. I stayed near Hamilton, working right through the Waikato region and also up north at Paero. Spelt different to that I am sure. Even 'dicky' lived there for some time too, working for John Austin. New Zealand is amazing, if it wasn't for the distance it would be my home too. Such a wonderful place. You'll love it Jordan and I hope it gives you a big enough taster to go back again and work there.
  9. And here I be, beside the A11 and parked up for the night. Had a cracking drive around Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk to collect three and deliver one tractor. Suffolk is a beautiful county, where my second collection caused as much of a surprise to other road users as it did to me to get where I did near Boxford. Even Essex saw me drop the air to get under a 12ft 9in bridge! Last of all was the 6610 at Brooke, although hand painted it did have a full set of brand new cab cladding.
  10. What a bunch off expletive expletives, Mark. Is your premium going to suffer because of this now too, just to drive yhe knife in that bit further? Have you looked in the back..... just incase there is an ATM in there or a load of HD ready flat screen tele's?! Feel for you buddy, you're having a time of it up there arn't ya?
  11. In typical style. Last night I uploaded a load more CD's to my laptop and then uploaded choice songs to my mobile for a bit of entertainment while on the wood processor. Today however, I broke the headphones! Grr!
  12. Oh yes, Hotel De Scania tomorrow night. I sleep like a log in it, probably the best nights sleep of the week. The longest sleep I get for sure anyway.
  13. Got 500 miles to cover tomorrow and Thursday. Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk and back for an MF575, MF 590 and a Ford 6610 with a Massey to drop off at Harwich on the way past! http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?saddr=Marston,+WIltshire&daddr=Rivenhall,+Essex+CM8+3HQ,+UK+to:Harwich+to:IP6+0EL+to:NR15+1HR+to:Marston,+Wiltshire&hl=en&sll=51.856139,-0.346069&sspn=1.692975,4.938354&geocode=FbHoDgMdUrrg_ylFGNZ3YNhzSDFAOlKzNyKWIw%3BFb_AFgMdo-EJACnvKrEKk-TYRzFgNPvoNVXV4A%3BFQt2GAMdCTsTAClBEf1bwwzZRzE-GZpwRsBsyA%3BFTMNGwMd4DERACn_16NtKKLZRzFLcAx7hIwkcg%3BFauyIQMdD9cUAClBgAWCRuXZRzHJCcyGCcZaJg%3BFbHoDgMdUrrg_ylFGNZ3YNhzSDFAOlKzNyKWIw&t=f&mra=ls&z=8&ecpose=51.88666354,-0.34606938,292899.88,0,0,0
  14. Lovely looking cakes.... Is mail order available?! I ido like the two Masseys on mucking out duties, lovely shot
  15. Lovely looking cakes.... Is mail order available?! I ido like the two Masseys on mucking out duties, lovely shot
  16. What, entrance fee? Usually somewhere around a fiver I think.
  17. Loft House is a great layout, Pete. Not too big or over mechanised. A really typical looking farm with a range of buildings from across the decades. Lots of realism
  18. Yes Joe, it's at The Townhouse. We are Traveloging the night before but have a room there after the wedding as part of the wedding party. We have another wedding closer to home before that one too. Bit gutted about Spalding, Sue. The Saturday evenings are always a good laugh and it's great when all of us get together like that. Year on year it gets better as more and more people come along and say hello and get stuck into the banter. The only requirement is a good sense of humour! :D
  19. Mr Domestic again thus far! Got up and started the day with a shower. Fed pup, blitzed kitchen and washing up, done a bit of training with pup as our class is cancelled today. Just done my breakfast which went down a treat, eggs on toast Now going to split some logs up for kindling and get the woodburner fired up. Sort out washing and do a bit of work in the garden. Maybe after all that, Traci may even be ready to do something too! Got to peel and chop the veg, do a quick bit of shopping, see my Mum and get back to do dinner for the Outlaws yet!
  20. I know that feeling, Pete. Although for me it's no time, no progress
  21. Proper old iron, nice to see an oldie like that still working. How did it handle the spreader?
  22. It's doubtful I'll be making it this time Two wedding weekenders in April, one of which requires us flying to Glasgow. Also it the last week of the month in Devon. So all in all, they all write off my chances of attending :( Biggest shame for me is the Saturday Social at the Springfields Tavern. :'(
  23. I would have loves to photograph each and every tractor I have driven. A blown up photo as a backdrop to the model on display would be a nice touch.
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