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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. I bet that made you jump, blimey! I got just the thing for you, Paul. Vanish Stain Remover! Best put your undercrackers in a hot wash! :D
  2. What's she like, Mark. Eh? Women! I'd not seen my wallet since Thursday. Bank cards, driving licence, VAT receipts, £140 in cash. . . . I was going out of mind. Rang the petrol station, pulled my van apart, the two Scanias, the 698T. Nothing. Just found it under the kitchen cupboard :)
  3. Will try tomorrow for you when I go up the cattle building
  4. Money. Now, I'm no expert but as I understand it money is a very rare item. I'd have a look about and see what you can find. Or gold, gold's good. . . . . . and oil, although oil doesn't come in a special box, you can get dealer barrels though :D
  5. Logs today, boss is away so I'm the glamorous secretary, boss, delivery driver, 'chopper upper' and customer services all week! Apart from tomorrow, Howards tomorrow on the farm. . . and they say it's quieter in the winter! Pah! :D
  6. There are two old ones at work, Taarup versions. Any good?
  7. Welcome to FTF, we don't have too many collectors of the smaller scales so I hope you make the numbers up and post plenty of what you collect and any layout you may begin. You'll enjoy it here that's for sure, :)
  8. You have got a point, we can see from the image quality and the background of the photo that this is not a press release so I assume the photo should not have even appeared on the internet. Which begs the question - how? I'm sure had it been a purposeful release then the discrepancies in the model would not have been so. However, for whatever reason there are discrepancies and the photo has been put into the public domain. I don't feel I nor anyone else is wrong for picking up the mistakes? It would happen anywhere and for anything. The combine does look good, no question about that but it is a shame that the first image we see (rightly or wrongly) is of a new model and there being faults on it. \
  9. Or. . .. a camp happier!! Would a certain Stan have driven such an outfit once upon a time. . .. ;)
  10. Blimey! First scratch build, eh? I wouldn't give up just yet. ... I couldn't do that for my first I know that much!!! :of Very nice
  11. Doesn't get certified by a proper engineer though? Gives a bit of comeback should anything go wrong . . . .when you're fast asleep upstairs. . .
  12. Left the yard at 6am and went straight to Cwmbran in the 6 wheeler. I've just left having picked up a 590 and a 290. I 'should' be back in time for 10:30 tea break
  13. Trucks? New lower price with them I hope! Even a tenner cheaper would help. Will it be another OEM, DAF, Mercedes, Volvo maybe? A new trailer? STAS smooth sider bulker?
  14. You lot are talking too loud, you've gone and woken up our Jez now! We did have a County in the yard, Andy. Very original too. I think it's in Thailand now though
  15. It does hit the spot doesn't it, Mark! I bought a box of the draught for myself too and with an online order form, I dare say a box may arrive in time for the Christmas period Just left Boxley in Kent with a 7710 2wd bubble cab and pair of 5000's each with Farmhand F11 loaders and rear fork lifts. Rigid has a 7610 with a loader and a 575. Quite a pair cruising thd motorways in beaming sunshine and clear blue skies
  16. :D Talk about missing out the crucial word! It wasn't a huge present but it did come from Cornish Orchards A lot of 10 series have passed through the yard lately, Sean. Strong trade for somewhere I expect. They don't go through the workshops though.
  17. Working with father-in-law today. Cut the hedge around a nursing home, second of two cuts each year with tractor. Took a tree down in Westbury then trimmed some conifers at another customers place. Then popped over my Dads with a birthday and took him down the local for a meal. Tomorrow it's artic/rigid piggy back to Kent to pick up 5 Fords.
  18. They're up close not for the usual dual reason but more for consolidation. Stick a mini press on the front between the front wheels' inner width and bingo, 3m press.
  19. Blimey! Quite a bit of work involved then!! Looks damn fine for it mind
  20. No, I bought a house that needed a bit of work and never seem to have got back to it. One day though!! Getting closer to doing the attic in out house so maybe a new farm yard will be applied for. ... just hope the local Traci Council grants me permission!! :laugh:
  21. Absolutely right, time only leaves room for more ideas and inspiration. .... at least that's what I tell myself while Leverets Farm gathers dust in Dads attic \
  22. You've some lovely updates, the Fendt looks ready for business with the plough on the back. Nice load on the lorry too 8)
  23. Bruddy right Peter. The kind of job many of us are in and even just the fact nearly all of us use the roads which are a bad enough place to be at times, the air ambulances up and down the country or front line care for the most serious of the injured. Glad it is getting people to put their hand in their pocket at such a cash strapped time. I know I did :)
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