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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Sat in Sheerness docks scratching my backside. Unloaded the little Daf which was booked in ok. The 2640 got rejected due to an admin error though so I'm waiting for the powers that be to sort it out Got to head up to Cheffins afterwards to pick up four of the last five MF's from this months sale. Octobers sale is Monday so there'll be another stack up there to collect
  2. Passed seven 68, 69 and 7530's all towing Baileys with silage sides on the A249 in Kent and the clamp tractor, a 77/78/7930 with service trailer and pick up and a front blade. It was the gang Graham has photographed before.
  3. 125kgs Natural Hydraulic Lime mortar mix. Sent off a sample from our wall and the company blend an exact match. Should be delivered to Howards yard tomorrow . . . Now need to buy some time to do the pointing
  4. Can't see the pics but I'll take a blind guess and check later. Little Mow?
  5. Like the sound of that, Chris 3.30am and I'm off to work myself. Wales with hay and a 3125 to collect on the way home.
  6. You're a wasted talent doing whatever you do for a day job, you ought to take on these manufacturers and do the job right. If a re-decal job was done I know who would be complaining first though!! :laugh: Whether the rumours are true or not remains to be seen, a rumour is just that. Hajo mentioned the rumour involving the 6640 though and not the 'least popular' 5640 It would be a shame for the collectors if it was true mind as we are all waiting for the more popular models I am sure. I think it was good to see a new manufacturer try a new approach and start out just as the OEM did, I wished them luck then and I still do now. For the quality and accuracy of the models, I hope there are more to come and not just Fords at that. :)
  7. America is the same for imports. I took a year old Puma to Southampton a while back and it rained on the way so the near side got a bit of gutter splash. The bloke who booked it in said it was 'hanging with dirt'!! Prat. Today I have been hedgetrimming the neighbours' side of the border and over the new ground. Then two of us stacked the 650 odd bales of hay on the lowloader ready for my Wales run tomorrow.
  8. How long ago was that then? I've never heard 18% m/c as a target for on farm storage for the last 15yrs Ricky what m/c are you getting your grain down to, do you store it on farm (how long?) and what's the market use?
  9. 18% ? You'll be penalised for at least 2.5% when it arrives at a store or the docks. Infact it could even get rejected if the buyer had an abundance. How do you test the meter for accuracy? I think a local electrical engineer does a few around here. Ricky is there anything interrupting the flow inside, any paintwork, outlet auger/belt too slow? It may be that you have to put the wheat through quicker and do it a couple of times just to keep the grains moving. I don't know anything about your drier but I'm thinking about grain characteristics.
  10. Deere-est


    1989 and high hours, give the chap a ring and find out You could even go to the length of finding a good US one with low hours from an importer maybe. These chaps may be able to help too. Or even try an artic with duals/low pressure tyres. http://www.amtrac.co.uk/
  11. Deere-est


    Go older and bomb proof. ... http://www.tractordata.com/farm-tractors/000/9/1/917-challenger-65.html http://www.farmingmachines.co.uk/machinery/M01440
  12. Love the white one, grill looks so much better done like that buddy. You're a top dollar bloke. Will the door handles and mirrors be blue?
  13. Another nice little trip down Sean-land today. I drove the rigid Scania down with the MAN 7.5t lorry on the bed and one of the sons riding shotgun. Stopped for a breakfast on the A30 before Exeter then headed on to Liskeard. We had a very tidy 7810 with a McConnel loader, bucket and pallet tines which went on the Scania and an equally tidy 7610 bubble cab, 'ruby cube' for the MAN. Then up near Launceston for a set of Opico Vari-Discs for me to load. Now stopped for lunch near Okehampton. Hedgetrimming around the new block of land when I get back. Love my job? You bet!
  14. Deere-est

    ROS 2011

    Just need a cast bonnet and a cast / altered floorpan to join it on a Norscott 765 chassis. . .
  15. :laugh: :laugh: Familiar with the cockney rhyming slang I see there, Joe £100? I think PDC has already as good as got it off me :laugh:
  16. 1989!!! Great to see you back having a look around :)
  17. Correct you did not, sometimes I wonder if my sarcasm is wasted! :laugh: :)
  18. Mean't to be a good forecast I think, Paul. Fingers crossed for you racking up the hours mate
  19. Your thinking of a DOE :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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