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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Have you redecalled it to make more true to 1/32 scale for a 20 tonner rather than a 33 tonner or have you done some mechanical work to it as well?
  2. :laugh: :laugh: I hate laughing when I've got a cold, it makes me cough. ... when I cough I fart ... . ... and when I fart I .... . Got to go!. . ...
  3. Andy's working on it, the time is either due to me having taken so many great photos with his camera, or Andy is having to Photoshop each and every one to make them look half decent \ \
  4. Spent the morning delivering 8 loads of logs then cut 9" for stock until 18:30 in the wind, blowing sawdust in my blimming face. After my 4hr sleep before Toytrac, I can now say I feel wiped out!
  5. Barry - Legend. Don't worry about it, Gav. Isn't your money, your boss doesn't sound the learned type anyway! Are you intending to be there by then still then mate?
  6. Can't you use pallet tines for the time being, Gav? You don't do it on your own do you?
  7. That's a Prince song isn't it? He was also an infectuous arse. . . . Oh . . . . No wait a minute. . . . . You mean . . . . Eeeeugh!! You disgusting herbert!! Reminds me of a great Fast Show sketch though, "What did I say, Roy?" "You said you could s*** through the eye of a needle"!! Hope you're feeling better now.
  8. I hope at least some of my photos are ok, Andy! There was a bit of a flurry mid morning so I stopped for a minute or two. I did find the light in the main pavillion a bit low at times but I think I got some good ones. It didn't appear as busy as other years but most traders I spoke too said they were happy with takings so that's good to hear.
  9. That's true, the forthcoming one could have played a part in the lower price this one reached. ..
  10. Is the ebay inflation coming back a little? Even just a year ago this could have hit £200. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130584903875&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:GB:1123 Have you sold anything for less than you were expected or bagged yourself a bargain lately? Is the trend shifting with the purse strings being tightened?
  11. Nice buys guys. Plenty of blues being bought by the looks of it. I was very pleased with mine, I almost bought a Siku Scania too but I thought I better try and keep some of my money! \
  12. Exactly what I thought first too, Ricky. How did it happen then, too fast for the road, Nissan Micra, lack of concentration, puncture . ... mysterious black dog that was never seen again?!! :laugh:
  13. Nice details with the brackets and pump and so on all added. Must be some work involved in making these tankers.
  14. Just got to do a little conversion on the Wiking now to make it look like the bottom photo
  15. .. . and more recently in 2008 with Wessex Water, a Bunning Lowlander 150 rear discharge spreader which I used to spread bio-solids/sewage cake. Dan has done a smashing job on this, it's heavy, it's big, it's just brilliant. A one off too as his production models are 120's
  16. Another for the same collection from Dan, AS Marston 10t grain trailer like I used in my first farm job starting in 1996.
  17. Another one for 'I've driven collection' and this time a TM155 as per the one we have at the wood yard. I just need to add a set of Puma wieghts and twin beacons on the front corner posts to top it off. Looks so much better after being "Caponed"!!! Better roof makes it look much better. :)
  18. This beauty from Paul, a copy of the one we had at Lackham college. The big boots suit as the one we had at college was a test rig for Continental, had a set of beefy tyres on it Paul does a great job, a pleasure to buy from.
  19. Post'em up for all to see boys and girls!!! :) :) Here are mine, first two to join my growing collection of Britains which I had as a child
  20. I like the wall and the building with the wood doors looks great as well 8)
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