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Everything posted by AlexMF

  1. drove back to liverpool after 3 days in the lake district with the missus. too broke to attend spalding now though!
  2. yeh, open chrome, hit the spanner, top right, personal stuff, import data from another browser
  3. "Supporting" my lecturers who are on strike. and by supporting, i mean going to the Pub.
  4. just submitted 5,500 words of essays. oh, hello horrendous quantities of alcohol!
  5. nearly finished my 5,500 words for tomorrow the weather 3 days in the lake district with the missus on friday!
  6. ah the joys of limp home mode.... i believe the glow plug light on an A4 is meant to tell you there's an engine management fault. so could be almost anything controlled by the ECU, so anything engine wise, MAF sensor, lambda sensors, cat, injectors, glow plugs etc etc... it will just get plugged into an OBDII diagnostics and that will give a specific fault code for the part which is no longer working... hope it's not too expensive, i believe diagnostics is about £80 a pop...
  7. he is (luckily unharmed) he's more annoyed that he was taken in by the scam, and is happy to continue living alone in his house. so really, apart from £250 he's other wise intact! the police are conducting door to door inquiries!
  8. my 86 year old grandad was the victim of a distraction burglary. they emptied his wallet of £250..... police are being very helpful though..
  9. how good st patrick's is in liverpool. 2 for 1 on jameson's whiskey and a mixer (ginger ale please!) live irish folk music, epic! suffering today though!
  10. undergoing some form of academic meltdown. got to 2000 words last night went to bed, got up, decided i'd missed the point entirely, re-wrote, now on 2100 words and contemplating a few pints tonight for st paddy's....
  11. typed 1800 words of a 2500 word essay. hoping to finish it tomorrow morning then start another 1500 word essay.... just learned that UCU are striking on tuesday and thursday next week. bearing in mind i'm only in uni on mondays tuesdays and thursdays, i'm not best pleased!
  12. nah, he went to pull round a parked car, missus in the passenger seat, a car coming the other way, tried to stop, no ABS so locked his breaks and put the nearside corner into the parked volvo... they're both fine, the mini needs a front panel, wing, bumper, tie rod, headlamp... it made me sad as i like that car! working on it and driving it...
  13. weekend in the lake district, spalding, weekend in dublin. 3 consecutive weekends of brilliance.
  14. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Race-Mesh-Black-98x24cm-Open-AUDI-AUSTIN-/400187365356?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item5d2d0697ec#ht_2164wt_1139 basically, remove the grill surround detach (cutoff?) the bling bling mesh and bond the new mesh in, with tiger seal. if you did that top and bottom it might just tone down the look....
  15. i assume it's the denver max LE? seems very well spec'd as for the grill, if it were mine i'd replace the mesh with some Audi style honeycomb, then go from there....
  16. you muppet Marky! http://swns.com/village-club-chairman-suspended-after-lionel-messi-transfer-bid-101722.html
  17. previously mentioned house mate continues to do best impression of captain c**kend, i've written him a note on some bog roll to explain my feelings. does anyone fancy taking me in?!
  18. housemate broke the washing machine in december. my exact words were, "take some responsibility, you broke it, you get it fixed". he got the number of a man to fix it in january, and since has done nothing about it. i had a rant at him the other day when his mum brought all his washing to the house "oh is your mum going to do my washing, or are you going to get the clucking washing machine fixed?" this morning after not saying anything to me in all the time he saw me this weekend/yesterday he's written a note on a piece of kitchen roll with the guys number on saying effectively "you sort it" i despair. there are ways of asking things....
  19. 2 pairs of jeans, 2 polo shirts, 1 hoody, 1 brown belt. RRP £270, TKmaxx: £80. score.
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