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Everything posted by convo

  1. well come on what else did you exspect from me , ;D
  2. yes joe i see what you mean ,its not the best ,looks as if he has just masked up the original decal on the model ,he needs to put the front wheels the right way round to,but hats off to any body who has a go ,
  3. wiking claas axion 850 in retro renault colours
  4. i just thought i would start a topic on the great weather we have had this year with all the cancellations due to bad weather ,so on that note the ones that took place in the mud ,,,,lets see your pictures hemsley show 2012 steam and vintage
  5. mike come up north next year to the newby show and you are more than welcome to stop over ,,and i will show you the sights ,,the likes that will blow you away , ;)
  6. well my head is still in bits ,,,just sat over the computer today ,,i am 40 years old now and still i don't learn my lesson when to stop drinking ,,,but free beer on tap does not discourage you that is for sure ,,all thing aside it was a great wedding 350 plus people attended, Steve and Paula were blown away with the gift a lot of the model dealers know Steve kirkup who i did the tractor for,he has a massive collection and i have see some collections in my time but nothing like what he has and all been well i will be doing a article on his tractor collection later this year
  7. this is a gift for my mate who got married at the weekend ,,,hey it was a free bar so what else could i do in return ;D
  8. hey robbo if you are willing to ,,,prise ,,,,,,remove,,,,, i mean get another pound out your wallet for raffle tickets ,,,i am willing to do another charity tractor ;D
  9. just some dealer work i have been doing ,i thought i would share with you lot
  10. jdeere6910 if you manage to visit the show pop and say hello ;) it is always good to chat with members off ftf
  11. yes i will make the effort to get some pictures ,,,its hard work some times even just to have a look round ,,,and i am on a stag day & night on the saturday : so i will try and keep my self right for the Sunday ,,,,,,,, however i think our ftf resident paparazzi David walterderwent is going to visit the show so he should get some cracking pictures
  12. yorkshire vintage association Newby hall located between ripon and the A1 north Yorkshire HG4 5EA 9th and 10th June this is a great day out for all you tractor lovers new and old ,there is a bit of allsorts there traders ,dealers ,displays ,steam ,tractors vintage and up to date see the pictures on last years feed ,it was a bit wet last year on the Sunday but over all it was a great weekend , hope for better weather this year but hey ho it will be what it will be , me @ 1/32 farming models will be there on the Sunday selling my weird coloured model tractors http://tractors.wiki...ntage_Gathering
  13. all i can say the dam rat is going to get it,,,,i had a impulse buy to day and i have got to say i am really impressed with it ,,so i am getting up early tomorrow and i am going to sit and wait for the rat to enter the bottom yard ...and,,, k ,,,,boom,,, that will be the end of him
  14. fendt favorit 926 just got the wheel centers to finish painting and replace the window wipers
  15. joe i have got to say i really don't find this hard work at all ,probably because i can get hold or put my hands on the products i need to do these conversions , the likes of the round bar for axles , spacers for the twin wheels ,a big work shop with all the trimmings helps alot to plus i am a bit funny about these thing ,,,,i know most collectors do not play with these models but i like the wheels to go round and be strong enough to do stuff with after all i do have a 6 year old lad who likes to play with these things ,,,or and me also ,,,, i am still a big kid even at the age of 20+ or should i say 40 ish doing things like this is not to time consuming really but, when i get into extending wheel arches and bonnets etc that really does suck up the time
  16. international 956xl ,i was just about to put these britains massey wheels that i have put on this model on ebay the other day and i looked across at my work bench and thought ,,,hey up ,,,a bet these wheels will fit on that international so 30 minns later a bit of modifing and there you have it ,,,paint the exhaust black ,, jobs a good `un ,,,,i will put some front hubs on late this week and a beacon ,,,may be a driver 
  17. wiking john deere on twins with larger weight block added
  18. new holland on crop rows ,added gps and new beacons
  19. first up is my fendt 926 ,just some small tweaks to improve the model ,a change of wheels ,glaze the cab nothing flash ,i love fendt tractors more so the older 900 favorite style ,they are first on my list in my collection
  20. That is what a fendt 936 will look like when you give it that ford focus rs turbo look .pearl white with black wheels.works well on this model.
  21. ha harrrr this is what happens when you drink with the big dog from the north east :laugh: ,,,well ,,,erm,,, i was just as bad my self ,,,, ,, but i had to deal with the public as my wife and mam who was with me give me no sympathy what so ever !!! i only started to pull my self round about 3 o`clock but all things a side ,,,what a turn out ,,and a great weekend away
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