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Everything posted by convo

  1. i would really like to drive a fendt 936 -939 and go Christmas shopping in it to the nearest city to me like Durham or middlesbrough not bothered which city ,,,and it would be very interesting to see if any cheeky Christmas shopper wants to beat me in a parking space,,,,it has to be a black one of course just so it looks more intimidating ,,,,because even my white van does not seem to get any respect from them ;D ;D ,,,,,or by the way just out of interest what would it cost me to hire a tractor like this for saturday 24th dec just for an afternoon ;)
  2. i have got to say i really do not like Jeremy clarkson ,i have been in the motor trade best part of my life and i have worked with a awful lot of people that share my opinion of him ,,, as in he just talks a load of poo poo ( s*** ) and is a pathetic ,imberseal and i would really like to see him stare in a real life version of the film HOSTEL as a victim, the thing is the way things are with this recession there are a awful lot of people out the fighting for more money,pensions ,jobs and not knowing if they have a job next week and things are really frail. i see this at my work every week ,what was a joke/ practical joke last year is not now and the joke gets blown out of all proportion because of were peoples mind set is in these current times , what was said may have been a joke and the media may have cut parts out so it shines a bad light on him ,but unfortunately for poor old jezzer there is a awful lot of the public frustration getting vented on him sorry guys no symphony from this corner this is only my opinion
  3. great show pictures there andy 8) and what can a say ,,,, thanks Harold for putting on a great show and the venue is top draw ,,,, in fact this show get better and better each year,,,,role on 2012 ,,,it is all ways good crack at these shows meeting up with like minded people ,,,,,or by the way all you guys are right we are all nice laid back people up the north of england :laugh: ;) ,,,in fact i was nearly laid on my back at the show because of all the late nights i had put in on the run up to the show (thank god for red bull) :laugh: but it was all worth while
  4. i think it is a well done all round also to the gang at model farmer / ftf for supporting the whole build and selling raffle tickets ;) ;) , any way i went in to work today and told 1st prize winner Richard Davies ( tony ) aka ( doctor death) as we all call him at work ( he is a really nice guy ),tony was over the moon winning this ,i said i would be taking it in for him tomorrow ,he replied well peter i am very please i won it but i think i will be giving back to you to get rid of for me because i have no kids to give it to and only put his £1 in to support the air ambulance ,so we will have to see were it ends up . i will be getting photos presenting tony the tractor tomorrow for the ftf magazine , what i did find when selling the raffle tickets people were more than generous and even they said that they were not bothered about winning the tractor but the money was going to a great cause ,i mean how good people are for doing that thanks again to all involved buying tickets and selling tickets
  5. the guy who won was ,,,,,,1st Richard Davies ac812954 26-30 this is a guy i work with ,,,,,,2nd george somerville ac813487 921-925,,,,,,,,3rd Brian ( mr softie) ac813487 726-730 i have to say what a great response we have had to the air ambulance jd and a big thank you to all who bought tickets , i will confirm the money raised once we have tallied up and got it all in but i am sure it is around £338.00 plus my work will donate £250.00 making a total of £588.00 8) 8) 8) thanks again to all peter
  6. well one more late night to go :( ,i have took far to much on \ ,i just hope it is all worth while ,really looking forward to the show tomorrow , see you all there bright and early
  7. i am really looking forward to see who will win this tomorrow ,for the last 2 weeks all i have been asked is has the raffle been drawn yet,and i hope i win it ,,,even the lads at my work who have no interest in farm models are hoping they win it ,,,,i just hope when it is drawn the first ticket is not one of my relatives ,that will just be weird ,, any how we will just have to see :)
  8. if any one gets a chance at the lcn show model siku new holland ,pick me one up i will be for ever in you debt ,you never know you might just need a favor from me ;D hope you all have a good time
  9. had my eye on this all ready ;) been asked to do one ;)
  10. come on joe you can do it mate ,nice ride out for you if nothing else ;D i have" UN" finished tractors ,trucks ,implements all over my house ,,,,they coming out my bum hole ,,,this brings a hole new meaning to a pain in the a*** ,,yes you got it ,, working full time and stopping up to the early hours is now taking it toll ,,,but hey ho all in the name of model making ,,,, ;)
  11. yes bill it was gary marsh who was at penrith in 2009 with his collection of john deere tractors
  12. well i had to do one some guys on here baited me in to it ,,,they were teasing me with pictures of the real one ,,, ;D
  13. i like that a lot ,i can see a lot of hard work has gone in to these set ups ,,keep up the brill job Denis ,,hats off to you my friend
  14. there is a customer of mine called gary marsh attending the show to display his collection of john deere tractors ,this is worth while seeing ,but i can not make it my self this year ,i do have it on my radar for next year as a seller
  15. tris ,,,,,give me a break ,,,you want to see my work load ,,,you have no idea mate
  16. this is just the tip of some of his fleet of trucks ,all his trucks are mint and all pimped up chromed stacks ,air brushed pictures ,stickers etc even the ones used on a daily basis ,the lads who drive them wash them off ever night and you never see them dirty ,this guy has a great reputation for all of this and a good guy to work for
  17. yes ben you will still get the prize if you win weather your there or not ,the winning numbers will get posted on here and model farmer magazine ,me or one of the ftf gang will contact the winner one way or another ,
  18. bob on there joe your knocking some gear out mate ,it looks really nice and neat and clean , 8) i really like that header
  19. yes it would but it is not the best fit,,, if i opened up the front the mounting slots and changed the pins it will be spot on and the rear need the mountins closed up with thicker pins to make it fit better ,i hope this make sense i only use these to display this model at the model shows
  20. the front will fit any thing with a a frame for sure but for the rear you will need to make an adapter or adapt the rear mower,these are a great product but even putting the rear one on this wiking model has been a pain in the a### and i have used a a frame for a imber model
  21. yes yes yes ;) at last the farm toy show that is on my door step or should i say a half hour up the road ,,,this is a great venue and a great location so all you who have other halves that are not interested they can do some retail therapy at the venue or just down the town at penrith so yes it please all ,,really looking forward to this show ,,,same spot as last year all been well ,,, also the bonus of the air ambulance draw to be won ,,
  22. nice work there joe ,,,your not just a pretty face then mate ,,,,
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