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Posts posted by convo

  1. thought red you say  ::)  mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,,,,,lets see ,,,mmmm,,,,, let me just think,,,,,, mmmmm,,,, when i get 5mins ,,,,,,,mmmmmm  yes along with metalic subaru blue ,white ,yellow  and i will just work all of these in with the rest of what i have going on here at home  ,joe you are just never happy  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    please joe do not take my sarcasm seriously ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    i am glad you like it

  2. more info to follow :) :) :)  ,there will be only one of these made to raise money for the great north ambulance if there were another made it will be in a raffled this time next year but as it stands now i do not intend to do another... i will not be doing these to sell so please do not ask ,all proceeds will go to the great north air ambulance

    more info to follow on were raffle ticket will be available so stand by 

    up date on the tickets .only £1 a strip you can get them from me or model farmer magazine stands at toy trac and penrith farm / construction show the raffle will be drawn at penrith for sure 20th november

    Andy is setting some thing up on the forum so stand by for even more up dates .

    if we raise over £250 my work will donate £250 so i am keen to reach over this threshold





  3. yes the handles and mirrors are going to be blue ,blue mirrors i do not mind ,not to sure about blue handles but the real ones are ,need to get my skates on as these are to be delivered on wednesday

    the big bird on the side has been created for  frank hudson by my mate  and has copyright so this is a bit special to his transport company

    jp7810 clear your in box i have tried to email you ,the jd stickers are done

  4. I don't think i even have a limited edition but i just wanted to ask something and i'm sorry for going off topic i will make it up to you guys by staying on topic in another topic sometime in the distant future. But...

    I hope your house is still standing? Said on Radio 1 earlier there was a fire last night, i instantly thought CONVO!  :laugh:

    are your humor josh  ;D ;D ;D ;D ,,i am not to sure how to take that ,,just think ,,, if i died in my house fire there would be no more pink john deeres no more controversial paint work ,,,the world of model tractors would not be a colour full place any more :( :( :( :(  just who would take my place  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    josh i do like your crack,,,by the way that is a Geordie word for conversation ;D ;D ;D

  5. barry i do agree with you it is flustering that the limited editions are in some cases hard to get hold of from were they are launched ,but i think that goes for all collectors all over the world ,i have been asked already by 6 guys from Europe to pick up some of the mc cormick spalding models and 2 of them want 2 each ,now i will not make profit from these but i will get the favor returned ,so it is not so bad for me but i total understand ,on the other hand if you can make a few bob from some show models /limited editions it could well pay for your journey there /back or even both in some cases then that just makes the outing a bit sweeter

    the gamble is as we all well know when a new limited edition model comes out is

    A : do you jump right in and buy it a double the show price from some one on ebay just so you have it

    B : wait for it to come down in price with the possibility of missing out

    C: buy it at over the odds then find out it was a bit of a flop and see them on ebay not even selling at the show price

    D:pass up an opportunity to get one and find out a year later they are making 3 times what they cost at there launch

    ??? ??? ??? ???

    barry i thought i would just cheer you up mate  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

  6. joe i have all ready done some 939s in black they will be at spalding ,just need to do the grill on them  to finish ,then i seen this post about agritechnica (bummer  :( :( ) on the plus side they mint and i mean flawless  ;) i have not painted the full exhaust on mine i have painted the bottom and top parts and left the middle black also painted the beacons silver

  7. the future is just the thing , as i mean if you wanted to sell some models at this present time that you had collected over the years  for a future investment  ,or that so called rainy day came and you need the cash now ,would they be worth more now than what you paid for them ?,or would it be just the case of you will have lost nothing and got your money back in most cases ??? ???

    because i have got to say if my house burned down tonight ,i bet i could replace most of my collection for less than i paid for them 7 years ago or so at the moment , how long is this recession going to last 2015 +,you can see on the likes of ebay that standard toys are doing better than most limited editions at the moment and can you afford to collect limited editions just to sit on them for that rainy day,

    years ago kids like me got a toy tractor for a birthday or Christmas and this is were my collecting ( addiction )for these things came from,so now me at 39 years young i am a  serious collector,

    now kids today what do they get for birthdays and Christmas ps 1,2,3,4,---16 or what ever they on now  ,so what i am saying is ,will there be still a keen interest for these sort of things in years to come ??

    now i collect this things because i have a keen interest ( addiction ) but as an investment even i am not to sure weather model tractors will be a good investment ,,,please don't get me wrong i would hope so  :) :) other wise £00,000 down the drain ,,,,, just my opinion  :)

  8. these are some pictures my little lad took of his jcbs i have just stickered up for him ,he seen one with 60 years jcb on and asked me to get some stickers made for him ,you can see him taking the picture through the mirrors ,he saind to put them on the forum ,so

    any way i have the stickers made in 3 different sizes along with the union jacks and the decals on the truck ,please contact me if you would like some ,





  9. the story goes a little like this ,her boyfriend Neil (works for bridgegate tyres up here) has a massive collection and i mean a massive collection of 1/32 tractors ,and its not that she does not approve of his hobby / addiction i think is more the fact she has not got one of her own ,so in my wisdom i decided to do a tractor in a girls favorite colour pink and give it to her for her 30th birthday ,she was over the moon and it was the highlight present of the party ,because all who attended know what a collection Neil has ,,,,,so just maybe she might not give him a hard time now when he wants the next new model tractor that comes out ,,,,she did actually say he was not getting his hands on it ,,,, besides i think it is a much better present than just sticking a £10 in a card and saying happy birthday  ;) ;)

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