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Posts posted by convo

  1. the YVA rally will take place  at Newby Hall  near Ripon , North Yorkshire , June 11 and 12th from 10pm to 5pm

    this is to mark the nation,s first national tractor day and will be the largest outdoor vintage tractor show in the uk ,

    one of the shows highlights of the weekend will be the record entry of Titan 1020s,more than 50 models of the classic ,built between 1915 and 1921 have already been registered.

    with tractors / machines as far afield as the US,HOLLAND,GERMANY and IERLAND as well as the  UK

    altogether the organisers are expecting more then 1,000 exhibits

  2. shhhh shhh Joe please don't say things like that it sound like  parts fall off my models  ;D ;D ;D ;D  .but hey thanks for the emergency glue ,and you know what ,it was spot on ,no odor  ;) ;) amazing .,,,, Joe it not true what they say about you Scottish lot ,that you are tight and unhelpful  ;D ;D ;D,  any how Joe great to meet you mate and to see your amazing models ,they look even better in the flesh, 8) 8) 8)

    cheers peter,

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  3. thanks to all who helped out to organized the show  ;):) :)and a big thanks to brian and andy who made us feel so welcome through out the day , ;) ;) ;) ;)

    it had a slow start on the morning for me ,but by mid morning you would had just thought 5 coach loads had just arrived out side,,,,,,,mega ,,,,,and this continued through out the afternoon ,,,super brill,,,this made the 638 mile round trip all worth while.

    we have built in a bit of a holiday on this trip and not back home yet ,still checking out the Scottish country side ,

    us at 1/32 farming models can not wait to do this trip all again next year ,

    cheers peter,sharon and the little fellow nathan

  4. after all my palaver with this uh  model  i actually thought about punishing it buy painting it pink or some thing ,but then i thought how much this would cost me in the pocket ,not only in paint and materials but super glue alone , :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: would need about a 1 liter i recon ,

    i have took siku ,wiking and britains apart with no dramas but these thing are like working with wafer biscuits so if any body asks me to paint a uh model i will have some very select words for them ;D ;D

  5. well i have been doing a bit of promotional work for a new Holland deal ,and this is my story ,

    first of all i have been doing some  promotional work for a new Holland dealer and i decided to treat my self to a uh new Holland t 6090 and as you can see it is amazing model and what was more amazing is when i got it out the box and removed the base plinth , the left beacon fell off  :of so i turned it over to see what had happend and then the step from the opposite side fell off  :of :of so i turned it over again to see what had fell off and,,,, low and behold the left rear light that attaches to the cab ,,,,yes you have guessed ,,,, it fell off  :of :of :of ,now by this point i was just about to catapult it over the fence in to the field behind my house >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( ,,,,, now is it just me or what ,,,,,,,

    at this point i had to walk away from the ....thing . so i collect up all the parts and super glued them all back on ,the only positive experience that has come from this i have found out that uh tractors loves super glue and i mean loves super glue , it is that good you carnt even tell  ;D ;D ;D


    i think i might just stick to siku  :-\ :-\ :-\




  6. I cant believe youve gone to the trouble of removing the stickers and painting it blue and then replaced the same WRONG stickers ;)    Its an 7530  NOT a 6930  as indeed Wiking have now acknowledged their obvious (to me anyway) willy up!

    WRONG stickers  >:( >:( sorry i do not under stand what you are trying top say ,or you don't know what you are trying to say  ??? ??? .let me say  it came in a wiking box with 6930 on it and it got 6930 back on it ,i will just say one other thing i always remove any stickers when i paint a model then replace them ,please do your home work on the whole subject before saying any thing what make you say it is a 7530 any way ,constructive criticism i can take but what is your point ??? ???

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