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Posts posted by convo

  1. looks good Paul with the white cab ,i think if it was all orange it might look a bit to much , some utility stickers on may be ,,the same colour orange on a clear patch would work ,the first gear stuff is great but they all based on American motors ,,

    but looks really good and different and you know how much i like different ;) ;)

    or buy the way if you need some poles i know where there are some and they cheep and they will do the job , ;D

  2. i like to do these trucks based on what i see near buy ,contractors and haulage firms ,the jd one was just done because i had the stickers and one in white made up any way ,my next two projects are frank Hudson transport ,his trucks are mint and are always immaculate ,i see the lads washing them every night  and i mean they are wash eeevvveeever night , i will go and see him and ok it first.


  3. Very nice indeed  8) 8)

    Could you use liquid mask in the grill so that the bars could be painted?


    no need to ,the grills all come apart ,the only reason i have not painted the grill and front bumper was so i did not lose the detail on it ,but i have got round that now and my next ones will be spot on with all the grill and front bumper painted

  4. thanks  josh ,i am glad you liked the article in model farmer ,i am on with a follow up now as we speak , a little help goes a long way ,i think you should do a truck and get it on hear its not about who's is the best or what ever , you have to have a go at it ,as you have been to get better at converting and the paint side of it ,if i can help in any way please just ask

    cheers peter

  5. thanks joe for that reply , ;) ;)

    lee you can have stickers as good as this it is really easy ,just email me a picture or direct me to the thing you want in your decal /sticker and some rough dimensions then hey presto i will send you some ,told you it was easy  ;)  the stickers i use are proper things not water slide or dry rub these will come to you pre cut and last for ever ,lee i thought i had shown you some at spalding ?

    i do most modern tractors and implements ,marker boards,speed limit ,triangles ect

    the picture shows a very very small proportion of some of the implement stickers i have on stock , silver on clear is not a problem to me


  6. it was a good show all in all ,i have never see as many vintage tractors in one place and i will be back there next year ,just hope the weather is better next year ,nice to bump in to some of the members from hear ,i was busy on the Sunday morning and when i got chance to have a look round and take some pictures it started to rain ,i now wish i did the two day event but hey ho .

  7. go on lee get it dirty /weathered ,i think this is a great model but why o why has siku not cut out the section behind the seat and glazed it ?? they do on all the rest of the modern siku models ,,,strange ,,, that is the first thing i do on my colour conversions takes a bit of time but the result is fantastic ,lee have a go just take your time with it , ;) ;)

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