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Posts posted by jdc

  1. 6920s died Sunday morning, was repaired yesterday morning, broke down again yesterday afternoon and was sorted again then same old problems again this morning so had to have them out again, its been in use this afternoon with someone else driving as I've had a JD 7830 out on loan all day today so will see what the 69 does in the morning ::)

    That's more than a Friday afternoon tractor - it's a Monday morning after a big, big, weekend tractor.  :)

  2. No wonder your collection is growing when you 'bulk buy'.  :D

    8210 is a cracker but can't help thinking there is something missing from nearside of engine - steering pump??

    Thanks for posting them Dave, must say I like the 6610 best out of the two but wonder why DBP dont fit steps to it :-\

    Hmmm  the 7610 does......

  3. Spoke to a guy in the 'trade' today and he says seatbelts are only on some tractors because the seat itself is used elsewhere (e.g. industrial) and the seat belt is required. It's easier to leave it on then make two different seats.

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