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Posts posted by jdc

  1. What camera did you buy, Andy?

    The sooner that Ferguson chap gets ousted the better  ;D

    I recently bought a tripod in Aldi for £15 - I was doubtful but it's excellent, so keep an eye out.  :)

  2. Thanks for all the comments.  :)

    that looks really good,what bits and bobs have you used,wheels ,tyres and front axle,i take it the cab is right off the uh 590 ,is the floorpan off the 590 as well,sorry for all the questions

    It is a 590 cab floorpan and bonnet, with a 135 chassis. The front axle is a Scaledown brass one as this gives another couple of mm height also it will be easier to fit the power steering. I cheated a bit by not making the transmission longer but merely moving the front axle forward by around 3mm.

    As Lord F pointed out the cab should have more of a 'bump' in it so it was either modify the floorpan or the chassis - in the end I did a bit of both but cutting into the chassis is easier.

    The bonnet needs severe trimming (and is quite thick die-cast), I had already cut this down for a 2wd 590 so just carried on and took more off.

    looking very good is it a 135 skid with the 590 cab and bonnet i want to convert one to be a 2wd 590 red cab like mine but with less rot!

    A lot of chassis needs to be cut to make the 2wd 590.  :(

  3. just noticed the pictures of the ship on thew wall john, and the model?? under the cabinate, you into them to??

    You've got to be careful when you take a picture for the forum - nothing is missed :D I used to work for Shell on tankers, bulkers and gas boats and did a spell in the north sea, so still have a bit of interest in ships. The model is a repair job somebody gave me which I'll convert into a 60s tanker.  :)

  4. They're cracking little lights, those - I fitted a pair on the combine to see the chopper - great.

    Great tractors the 3085s. My 3085 had a couple of power outlets on the black panel on rear of RHS pillar by the PTO lever - yours just seems to be blanked (it was Datatronic mind you)  :-\

  5. Thanks for all the kind comments. :)

    what about a close up of the deere sg2 cabbeb and the tx34 what a model looks better than our real one

    That's about the last JD that Graeme made( http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,26481.msg544153.html#msg544153

    I never had one but drove that and a 2wd 2850, so they are my favourite Deeres.

    That's a pretty cabinet john if i had one like that around my parts i would be called a "spoilt brat"

    and quite rightly so

    is that a 885 Db next to the bigger one which I'm guessing is a scaledown 990  ;)

    I guess I am spoiled, but I'm only allowed models in my office, nowhere else in the house.  :D

    It's a CG, DB770 - lovely model but a bit on the expensive side.  :)

    have you got a distance picture showing the whole unit with the doors closed ?

    Best I can do Rich.


  6. Thank you, everyone.  :)

    How many do you have in your collection??

    I don't honestly know - around 140 tractors 14 combines, and maybe 50 assorted implements.  :-\

    Some collection you have there mate  8)  could i have some close up's of the NH tm conversion you have ?

    Thanks, it's the 8360 and there are a couple of pics here http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,13749.msg232709.html#msg232709

    That's an upmarket cupboard John ;) ;) ...nice collection too

    It's a err homemade cupboard, Bill. (Don't let your Dad see it) :D

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