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Posts posted by jdc

  1. What makes this a good machinery show in my opinion is that its held at a quiet  time of the year, it has a high regard from farmers and exhibitors probably due to the shows origins and it hasnt been turned into a glorified sunday market.

    Totally agree with that - the Highland show for example is not worth visiting now, in my humble opinion.

    Normally come down but won't make it next year. :(

  2. If it won't go through the induction hopper, I don't use it.  :)

    There are a large number out there as WDG (water dispersable granules) but mainly herbicides. There are composition reasons why many cannot be supplied as WDG, but the other reason given is accurate measurement of powders/granules. The density will be constant so why not measure the powder in lt/ha as well? The 'Harmony M' measuring jar is calibrated in grammes but is measuring volume.  :)

    There are several closed systems with returnable containers on the go but it's a bit like VHS and Betamax - until on size fits all no one will convert their equipment.

    The problem with foils is that the container is waste - but even a rinsed fol is 'hazardous waste'.  :(

  3. Gentlemen...........

    You seem to be missing the point with the cost.

    No one can buy a combine on the final price.... you need to think of it as a cost per hectare or cost per ton...

    Combines these days do have more electronics but they are no where near the level of technology in a car or truck....

    True the basic calculation is done that way but Ha cut per season (allowing for over or even under capacity) defines the machine size and it is still an estimate - you don't know what your costs were until you sell it.  :) Turning a machine around every 2/3 years makes sense if you are  trying to pin down costs accurately but not necessarily cheapest on a big acreage where the combine is getting towards 'occasional failure' hours at the end of the period.  :)

  4. I'd agree with that - we have just bought a few IBC tanks to put on the ends of sheds for this reason - will fill the sprayer twice as quick.

    My problem isn't water supply now but measuring ingredients then rinsing containers, especially on low water volumes and when pesticide is supplied in 1lt containers.......... :(

  5. Andy has pretty much summed it up - personally I try to keep OSR or beans to 1 year in 5 for the reasons mentioned. The main idea of the break crop is to move from cereals for a year (perhaps control grass weeds easily) and get back to a high yielding 'first' wheat. FWIW, my basic rotation is WW,WW,SB,WB,(OSR/beans/potatoes) It varies on a field basis as grass (1 to 3 years) and in the past, setaside had to be accommodated.

    I don't think one crop is more beneficial than others in terms of soil improvement (apart from the amount of residue left to incorporate) but in a wet year potato harvest tends to do most damage to soils. :)

  6. the farm where i was spraying in the late 80s used the little and often approach, small amounts of chemical every couple of weeks. from drilling to harvest the sprayer wasnt parked up for more than a week, no matter what the crop. very intense but good results really the best approach in my opinion.

    however farming has changed and not many practice this anymore.

    I prefer this approach too to a certain extent, but I think a farm should be able to spray all of it's wheat in about 2 days - many big operations near me with 32m sprayers struggle to do it in a week. It's a bit like combines - one big machine to do all the acres, then get more acres........

  7. Google generally searches on image name, which may not reflect the image content, depending on the owner. Also it searches on the Alternate Text which is shown on mouseover - not all web designers bother to use this. Also text in close proximity e.g. in adjacent table cells or paragraphs may be included. I think you may have to be more general in searches and sift through the results. If you are putting the phrase in inverted commas, only an exact match to that phrase will be searched.  :)

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