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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I've had that happen as well, they go down with a hell of a bang when that happens don't they, soon welded it up again
  2. Sounds like you were lucky not to have come out worse off than you did James, and people wonder why I say I don't want to work with cattle too much Get well soon
  3. Same place as the Fiat I sent you the link for
  4. Thanks guys, I will do.......will need reacquaint myself with Galloping Goats though if I get the job
  5. Getting a phone call to ask if I could come for an interview at the job I mentioned before on here
  6. Oh dear.....no one should ever take advice off me :D
  7. Why should it bother you though as nothing posted has affected you in any way : :
  8. Whats going on this month then guys?
  9. I've been waiting for you to post that up since you joined us :D
  10. Someone was asking me about Landini blue on msn or by pm last week and I can't remember who now I've found two possibles but have no Landini models here to compare it with, colours are: Ford Wedgewood Blue Ford Maritime Blue (slightly darker)
  11. You mean you aren't going to buy that one that I sent you the link for I'm disappointed in you young man :D
  12. It should still be released as it was on the last order forms that I recieved from my supplier a few days back, I'll have a word this week then update you on it
  13. The last contractor I worked for had a Splendimo rear mower/comditioner as did the one before that, they are a damned good mower but they do have one little downfall to them which won't show itself if you are cutting grass at the ideal time in its growth cycle. The conditioner units have a dislike for tangled and over mature grass crops, they will wrap solid and burn out the slip clutches (I done one last year within 30m despite being in the lowest gear on the 7840), it was for this reason that the previous contractor also kept a JD MoCo in reserve, although it seemed to affect the rear mower more than the front one on his Claas 836 set-up, They are one of the more popular mowers around this area now
  14. I don't know but I haven't been on here all day today so it really wasn't
  15. been out and about with Mum today as its her birthday. Also picked up my Discovery from the garage this lunchtime after having a helicoil fitted to a damaged stud hole.....
  16. Try this sellers acetone, everything else he does is good quality so you should have no problems with it.......be careful though as it won't just strip the paint off the model http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Pure-Acetone-3-litres_W0QQitemZ220230851103QQihZ012QQcategoryZ75576QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247
  17. Nope, no theiving hobbits to nick my mushrooms either this time :D It was the home made onion rings that why my downfall though, I had a dishfull of extra ones to myself as well as the ones with the meal ;D :D
  18. Been doing a few odd jobs today and just got back from a meal for Mum's birthday, feeling a bit full after having a rump steak (still mooing) and chips with a large quantity of home made onion rings and mushrooms ;D ;D
  19. It is indeed due at the end of next month unless the ship sinks somewhere between here and china :D Price will be the same as the existing combine models going by the information that I have
  20. A new one, only applied for it yesterday, he got the letter this morning.....not bad for Royal Mail
  21. Getting a phone call about a farm job I applied for locally telling me more details and saying that I look like a strong contender for the job ;D
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