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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. It means your ploughs are excellent pieces of work, something that I certainly agree with
  2. The sprayer has an RRP of £39.99 and is due in the next round of releases, no doubt there woon't be many people charging that for it though
  3. You'd be surprised Ben, there will be a lot of contractors operating in your area just as there are here, a lot of contractors are actually farmers as well so will be offering stubble to stubble services on smaller farms who can no longer afford to do the work themselves. Lots of the big farms will employ a contractor as well at busy times for things like hedge cutting. Here we have contractos specialising in hedge cutting, muck spreading, silage and all arable operations along with the odd one for fencing as well
  4. We have a good one locally here who I'm sure could send the parts direct to you, will give you details on MSN
  5. A big deciding factor if it was me making the decision would be whether there was work there for the extra 9 tractors during the periods where they weren't needed for the choppers, if there isn't then self propelled may be the way to go as it would also mean 3 mens wages taht you didn't have to find, I wouldn't thought that there would be much cost difference between a tractor and chopper or a self propelled myself these days so thats a minor factor I would imagine
  6. Guess the first point of call would be a Krone dealer, just depends what parts you need
  7. Unfortunately they just go into the wheelie bin here for landfill, I have put up to 30 cans in in one week before now
  8. Been waiting for suitable trace making stuff to become available before mine progress and it just has
  9. Name and shame the ebay member here Adam, helps us all know who to avoid then. I know myself and Udi both had problems with an ebay member acting like that last year
  10. What I mean is if one of Kevs colleagues or VOSA spot you running with no air brakes connected and running at 50kph you're talking large fines and points on your licence in the worst case. All of the trailers are air and oil where I'm working at the minute, often the oil line isn't even connected as the air brakes are far more efficient, you're on borrowed time if you're not running on air, the firm look into all laws to make sure they are legal before making a purchase, the newest two Stewarts have ABS fitted as well
  11. Its got to be something like a sticking valve somewhere, that would cause a vibration/juddering in the pipework as would to higher oil flow. It may mean changing the valve chest on the log splitter to use it without a problem, one way to check if thats where the problem is would be to pipe the splitter ram direct to the spools and see what happens \
  12. Aren't John Deeres hydraulics closed centre whereas IH and MF are open centre?
  13. He's a sparky and not a tractor driver Marky, what do you expect :D
  14. Current Police actually Adam.........
  15. It is smooth, like the surface of a billiard table behind this machine Not really, it seems to depend on the soil type in the field and access to irrigation stand pipes as to whether or not headlands are planted
  16. These have to be the dumbest design of PTO shaft guards I've come across, yes they are easy to slide the cones back to grease the UJ's but they are an absolute ***** to relocate when you slide them back again as you cannot get the tabs to line up Working position Removal, screwdriver needed to release tabs Ready to grease, the difficult bit is refitting them Best not go into all the problems with using it like this
  17. The middle gearbox on the Jones engineering bed former starting to show signs of premature failure Its been getting hot for the past 3 days but today we couldn't put our hands on it , even after just doing one round on the field so we done some investigations and found no breather fitted, minor issue but should be one so Jone's engineer told us on the phone, we then drained the liquid metal oil which was full of metall filings......new gearbox being fitted first thing in the morning. Good sign on a machine which is one year old and has barely covered 200 acres
  18. Heres one from today, just the view from the top of the hill heading down towards Titchwell village and the farmyard we're using at he minute
  19. You really are going to have to let someone else drive that tractor you know :D
  20. We all think they were watching too Brian. Luckily my tractor and tools were still down in Cambridgeshire last night but I have now moved back to that farm, however we are now using their main yard and not the dryer yard which is in the middle of no-where
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