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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. More bed-forming for carrots followed by a 2.5 hr trek with the tractor and bed former from March to Titchwell on the NW Norfolk coast
  2. Pikeys!!! Broke into a shed on one of the farms we are on at the minute destoning.....9 doors in that yard and they manage to find the one with our diesel bowser locked behind it on the first go. They drained the bowser of 1000 litres of cherry, they also nicked the alternator and battery off the Manitou on the front of it before siphoning the tanks on all 5 tractors up there and nicking the tools out of them >
  3. I was told that they have a CVX 195 and an identical MF DynaVT on the formers at the other farm up north, the MF uses 100 litres a day LESS than the Case, thats a lot of money at current prices. I have thought about putting a tv in Stevo but everytime I turn my back on the former the bed profiles go to pot......sods law
  4. He's only been on here via the miracle of mobile phone technology so far today so its difficult to reply to pm's, I've tried it before
  5. BMW bright red isn't too far out Chris, thats the one that I have used before, if you can't find it Ford Radiant Red is another close match
  6. Heres the computer readout for the days fuel consumption, top is litres used, middle is litres per hour and bottom is working time
  7. A few from today, the McCormick MTX140 and Stanhay pneumatic precision drill putting the carrots in. The variety going in here is F1 Nairobi (sure Marky can advise us of its merits ), the area that we covered today came to about 20 acres just over.
  8. Thats part of the reason, the other is that the beds are a bit too deep so we can push a bit of soil back in with them. I have done every tramline in a field before as the beds were too deep for a Fastrac to get down when it was putting liquid fertiliser on
  9. Well its a Steyr tractor beneath but, and this is a guess, I think its a Sisu (Valmet/Valtra) engine in it going by the name on the filters
  10. It does Nick, will be setting it up tomorrow on that one once I look at the book as its a different layout to the other older CVX, the older one was using 31 litres/6.6 gallons an hour on the small bed tiller, be interesting to see what this one is doing
  11. Before and after pictures of the beds And for anyone thinking of buying a CVX for heavy PTO work, here's a word of advice, DON'T!! This is the fuel gauge after 6.5 hours work with the tractor, the tank holds 310 litres, which is around £200's worth at current value.......thirsty old things
  12. A few from today, CVX195 and Jones bedformer
  13. You certainly did Olly, lots of carrots :D Just off the Horsemoor Road between March and Wimblington, up a long concrete track The MXU dash is in the older CVX Nick, there is no dash panel in the newer ones, its all on the A post
  14. No idea on that one Martin, have to have a word and find out for you tomorrow if I get the chance The Jones machines seem to be the weapon of choice for growers
  15. It certainly sounds like a hydraulic system fault, if you have a manual with the tractor take a look in it and see how it recommends connecting constant pumping implements \
  16. Try adjusting the oil flow on the spools Simon, it may either be too fast or too slow for the spliter to cope with, or if it is on a continuous pumping circuit you may need to have a free return on the tractor, easy to do, just remove one probe end and make it so it dumps the oil back through the filler cap hole, will be totally unrestricted then
  17. Two more of the Jones machine, got to take this to March in Cambs tomorrow to start on the tilling there
  18. A few from today, new v old the older CVX is in the background, both are on bedformers. I'll be on the newer of the pair all next week with the Jones Engineering twin rotor, triple bed machine bed tilling infront of the carrot drill
  19. I hope your boss remembers to upgrade his trailer brakes to an air system as well then or he may have a few problems
  20. I was just told the end of June, so we can estimate that it will be somewhere between the two
  21. Yes its definately coming and within the next six to eight weeks.........but this is UH we are dealing with
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