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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. If his hand bags like any womans, I'd hate to be hit with it as god knows what the hell they keep in them :D
  2. Not that one Mandy, thats it's little brother, it's this one
  3. Is that the one you were telling me about the other day then
  4. It'll pull that no problems, wouldn't like to say the tractor will be in one piece in a couple of years time though, I had a 260 on demo in the past and the build quality is terrible on them, especially in the cab, everythings so plasticy and flimsy \
  5. Know what you mean Marky, been trying to get on with models but can't get into them today, think its our long day Saturday still catching up with us \
  6. Gav836

    pimp my tractor

    Did I just read this right? Marky wants something which says John Deere on it :
  7. Good to meet you too PR, had a good day down there but glad to finally be home again, been a long day with leaving here at 4am and getting home at 8.15pm. Nice to put a face to the names with meeting a few new faces and seeing some of the old ones again Marky will probably post the pics tomorrow, including one of him with Mandy as we met her for breakfast
  8. Well its sorta the right colour, just depends what the rest of the plant and the seeds look like
  9. looks good Mark Pleeeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee get a new camera though :D
  10. I remember the contracting topic :D
  11. Just curious here, as you're 14, exactly how much work did you do for them
  12. I know a man who still has two of these in working order in Lincolnshire, preferes to use one of his fleet of older MF's though
  13. Meeting us lot will be an experience to remember, believe me :D :D
  14. Funny that, I seem to think I may have done as well :
  15. Thats more the sort of model I was thinking of than the 900 Colm, looking at the Norscott model of the 880 you can see the styling is correct
  16. Its a Claas, look at the shape of the body panels on it, along with the roof line, ok so it has different lights to the ones we're used to but add to that the pick up then I'm certain that its what it is. These some pics I took of the 900 where I worked for a few months, definately the right shape, if not for this model one of the older ones http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=10659.0
  17. Cheers for the comments guys Each one is scratch built Nick, it's not worth casting the bits when I can make them just as cheaply Already there Tris
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