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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. My thoughts exactly, I know he's a new member on there but even so, most people would contact the seller first. Even if I could have posted it on the 13th there's no guarantee it would be there on the 18th, standard parcels is 5-7 days anyway
  2. This!!!!!!! > > http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=132farmimplements&ftab=AllFeedback&sspagename=STRK:ME:UFS Recieve no contact from them no ask where it is, just look on there and see this today. Have messaged him about it, do people realise that it is not always easy to get to the post office all the time
  3. yeah, I will do but am more likely to open a window than use the air con most of the time
  4. yeah and it certainly is, luckily I had an L200 a few years back with the same system so knew how it all worked
  5. Lovely drive Mark, I read several reviews on the truck before I bought it and they said it was gutless but I found the opposite and once you got to 40mph it would take off and sit at 70mph no problems, I reckon it was doing betwen 35 and 40mpg as well so looking good
  6. Yeah, at least the spare had wind in it too and all the locking nut key and everything was there. Not so good when the frozen stuff in the shopping is defrosting though
  7. Had the full details on the combine today....the cab door was completely smashed out, they got into the cab and hit the windscreen with a hammer shattering it. They have then damaged the ignition barrel trying to start it but as it has an immobiliser on it didn't get very far. They decided to slice the valve off the front tyre step side so the header had the full weight of the combine resting on it overnight, including a full tank of wheat They just nicked a few tools but left the cb and radio so we think it could be a vengence attack. Forensics did come out but they haven't even been visited by a copper as of first thing today
  8. I know, boss had even left it in the middle of the field as well, wasn't as if it was near the road \ Will try to find out some details from them tomorrow as to exactly what they done
  9. I don't know Sean, not actually seen it myself or spoken to the boss about it yet other than him asking me to ride around the field behind the pikey's hovell to see if any cars had hemp or straw hanging off them. Think forensics came out though \ Someone had also cut the strings through on the bottom layer of bales in 3 stacks on another farm so they fell out of my carrier on the road as the grippers couldn't hold them longer than 20 minutes
  10. Our poor combine at work, the TX66 is seriously ill, it was vandalised in the field last night and now has slashed tyres, no glass in the cab and some things missing from it. The local caravan dwellers are the prime suspects > > >
  11. I have an original Land Rover sales brochure somewhere for that model and from around that year I believe Mandy
  12. Gav836

    JD with trailer

    Rob's right, it's so you can tell where the back edge of the trailer is when loading or reversing
  13. Yeah, although to be fair, I'd had 3 trouble free days with it, my boss is lucky if he gets one with his newer one
  14. This is a back dated one as I haven't been on much for the past couple of days The Pick up breaking on my baler at 9.30pm Friday night with only another 5 minutes baling left to do, last field out that way, an hours drive from base. Couldn't get it fixed in the field despite trying for an hour and a half so they are going to chop the haylage whats left \ Got home at 12.15am Was one of those days, had a knotter playing up while doing straw earlier in the day so it was spitting out 8' long banana bales, yet it never missed once on the 4' haylage \ The bu99er done it again yesterday on straw for some reason so we're going to have an investigation when we get a minute as there is nothing visably wrong with it
  15. Definately 30' as it has 6 sections to the header reel, our old 460 had 5 being 25'
  16. Of course you should bid on it, the prototypes are always worth more in years to come
  17. Thanks guys, no I wasn't Simon, I hate decorating!! As for the tines Tris I agree with you but have something in mind to replace them
  18. If you do glue it down, use something like Araldite/epoxy as super glue won't stick die cast and will fall apart at the first chance it gets as some people have found out to their cost :
  19. This ones on that famous well known auction site as a tester
  20. Thanks FKNK Just took my time and the extremely hot weather conditions helped as well in my opinion, all spray finished no brush work
  21. I've been waiting patiently for months for this to come out so I could convert it from a Lemken into an Amazone like we used to have where I used to work, only difference being ours was a 4m. Still have the decals to do but it looks about right to me, let me know what you think to it
  22. It's an MC135 Rich, also known as a gutless wonder
  23. Certainly seem to and alot quicker to clear a field of them. Working out quicker for me to cart them on a 20 mile round trip with the carrier than to use a flat trailer and teleporter
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