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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Its been a long while since I updated this but its been too wet to get up to much in the fields until this week. We have 2 muck spreaders on hire at the moment, I have one on my Puma and the owners son has one on the 6910. We've nearly finished now but I've been finding a few wet spots today, I knew it was wet in that corner as a rule but its never been so far out into the field before, not needed a chain yet though. I did have to rescue the 6910 tonight though after someone went through a wet hole complete with ruts after I'd told him to avoid that area Quick shunt backwards and full throttle forwards and it was out, not a happy bunny though as it was dark and starting to rain when he done that. Puma and 16t spreader 6910 - keeping well back as I want my windows intact!! Moderately moist corner in the field, spreader slipped off the tramline Never been wet that far out before.......
  2. There is a 2013 topic already running............. http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/topic/20399-whats-your-latest-general-buy-2013/
  3. He has two more to interview yet so won't be for a week or so I doubt. Will have to look for somewhere local to it to rent then as I'll lose my current house when I leave my present job.
  4. Thanks Tris and Ol, I'd be taking over the MXM as that now does the spraying and ploughing with a 4500l Hardi and 6f semi mounted KV respectively, the 6800 used to do the spraying but the New Hardi is too much for it.
  5. Had a job interview today that lasted 3hrs at a larger all cereal/pulses farm in central Norfolk, got some thinking to do now in case it gets offered to me. The farm is just under 2000 acres with three tractors, Case MXM190, NH T7040 and a JD 6800, it would be different to what I'm used to but gets me away from cattle which I really do not like working with.
  6. Someone must have been kissing Santa's rear end big style this year
  7. Definately weld it with low hydrogen/Nickel rods, (or even a mig with care) I certainly wouldn't try and use Araldite or any likewise product on it as it won't last, thats if it even holds to start with.
  8. All the details you need are on the website, it costs £6 to register then £20 a year or £51 to pay for three years up front. Again I'd say its down to personal choice but a lot of farm jobs coming up around me are advertising for NROSO registered applicants now not just those with PA qualifications http://www.nroso.org.uk/default.aspx
  9. I'm a member, the what you get out of it is a difficult one but it is a way of proving to employers/customers/the public that spray operators keep up with training and new regulations by attending a yearly course/shows/NSTS test and gaining points for it. Currently I pay my yearly subscription to it and my employer pays for the course to get the points. Some people are happy to join up whilst others grudge it, depends what you really plan on doing and how much spraying you do I guess as well.
  10. A large solid pine dresser off ebay, been after one for a couple of years now, probably a bit bigger than I originally wanted but its only in the neighbouring village so not going to cost much to collect
  11. Thanks, that was a tricky bit John but after measuring and marking the floor piece on either side then just tacking them all before re-measuring and gluing them properly I think they came out alright.
  12. Sounds like a good start to a new business to me, unless of course they put a clause in the sale contract about that
  13. Selling a big chunk of my model tractor collection off to a local collector who came to pick up some ebay buys. I've been considering it for a while now, just want to get rid of certain marques now and concentrate on a couple or three rather than the whole lot so in future it'll just be Claas, Ford and Case here.
  14. Why am I getting a scene from the film "Little Nicky" pop into my mind.....
  15. Very nice Chris, I have a Weihrauch HW97K myself for occassional back garden and grainstore rodent control, the rest of the time I stick to a 12g although I am looking for a decent .410 or 12g semi auto again after I traded both mine in for the over and under last autumn.
  16. Exactly what I've done as well, the new version was a pain in the wotsit so switched back, just couldn't get it to work properly
  17. Well I've finally dragged my modelling making stuff out of hibernation to make the first of a few models for myself over the next few weeks/months. No one currently makes a model of a dump trailer like this and as they are popular around here with sugar beet growers I decided to have a go at one. So far I have the trailer body 90% assembled, it just needs gaps filling and the front window bars put in and the main layout of the bottom chassis and drawbar built. I'll also be building the 10t version of this trailer to complement this one, I have something planned for the pair of them........ On with the picture, there's been about 4 hours work gone into this so far with all the cutting and gluing More detail on the underside of the body Will hopefully get some more done on it tomorrow, not decided on which wheels to use on it yet though until I have a look through my boxes here
  18. Ebay!!!!! It won't let me leave positive feedback for people who've bought items off me, put it in then nothing happens.......and I'd forgotten why I'd stopped selling on that place
  19. Cultivating in frost until lunchtime and now have a house that smells like a brewery after siphoning my home brew off into the barrel
  20. Cultivating the Somme like conditions in our remaining ex spud field until the frost went out of it resulting in a few 80% wheel slip moments then going with the boss to pick his 6420s and sprayer up from the dealers where both have been overhauled.
  21. We've had a whole day without rain of any sort now.......it'll never last!
  22. Further to my post in the what annoyed you today topic, one Optima Red Top battery and a set of Delphi glow plugs, Britpart ones are an absolute crock of **** and won't even last a year!
  23. Discovery being reluctant to start again now its turned colder, battery is down again, took it to the auto electrical place and there computer says its fine........it would read fine as I just drove 15 miles to get there so it is fully charged!!! Had the exact same problem with their damn computer last year when another one said it was dead so they want it in to do drain tests on it before they will issue another one under warranty, already know there's no drains as its been checked already!!! Outcome is I've gone elsewhere and bought a different brand of battery at my cost as it'll be cheaper than their bill for the tests that I don't need done on it
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