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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. Looks to me like you've got a nice set up there Luke. Looks like you've got as much on your spreader there as we put in our 10 ton ECE machines. Always good to see how much you can put in a spreader before the bed chains stop moving ::);D:D :D ;)

  2.    OK , if you don't fancy a Massey how about this one. Fiat F115 on GR Pyketts website, 5,200hrs, ?9,750

    Now them i can recommend as being a real pulling tractor, we had an F140 where I used to work and that was near impossible to kill. Try to find a Winner model though as opposed to the economy model that ours was. They have a unique sound all of their own :);)

  3. Well for me today it's been a supposed close mate of mine has gone behind me back talking to gf on bebo and leaving comments about me saying that i tell load of lies about were i've worked and what i've done saying that im terrible driver etc calling me a lier etc so i have really have had enough of him, just not on going behind my back i think. I swear i will have stern words with him on monday if not smack him >:(

    Sounds to me like you need to find a new mate >:(:-\  put this one on ice ::) ::):P

  4. I think they started around the early 70's TOG... I've seen (and have some..) of the early 70's stuff... As for when they stopped... I'm not really sure... I've got some from the 80's... but I don;t recall seeing any with... say... the 3000 series in..

    They can sell for LOTS of money... and they can go real cheap as well.. expect to pay between ?10 and ?25 each for one I would say... there seems to be a small handful of strong ebayers at the moment who are willing to go to great lengths to bid  :o

    If thats the case maybe I'd better find the 3 or 4 that I have, sounds like a good time to move them on ::);D

  5. There is no way I'd entertain a 61** MF, they done a lot locally here to harm MF's reputation with gearbox faults being the main culprit. The 6150 I drove suffered from a gearbox fault at 3 years old and low hours so they are a bit of a risk :-\

  6. Looking good and I am looking forward to the finished article. A lot of the 12ft and 14ft ones up here had a headstock at one end for transport and a lot of them have a double crumbler roller setup.

    Thanks. Would they be Blyth harrows then? I know that they fitted front and rear crumblers to their harrows, may look into the transport set up on these wider ones :);)

  7. looks absolutely fantastic - we still use one at home - bought it about 10 years ago from a neighbour for ?200  :o still going strong only needs a few bars each year and maybe a new levelling board this year  ;) One thing - rare to see one any greater than 3m over here most are 8 or 9ft  ;)

    Thers a few that size here but i do know of one 6m one working behind a Fastrac every spring for sugar beet seed beds. The finished item will be available in a choice of sizes ;):)

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