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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. i didnt think they could do that while you were sick gav , we have a few people at work they want rid of but cant due to illness

    Thats what I thought too Sean, they said it was due to lack of work yet 10 days ago they rang me begging for me to go back although I was ill, something doesn't sound right to me :-\

  2. go on, i dare you.....although it pretty serious stuff :o :o

    Watch this space ;) Spoke to the manager there this morning, said I got your letter last night, all he said was "oh right", I'm now exploring the legal side of how they have gone about making me redundant, especially while I'm signed off work by the Dr :-\

  3. Not a really professional outfit then Gav... they obviously valued your employment with them  :-\ >:(

    Tell them you will be taking advice on your recent health issues with the HSE... that will put the fear of god into them mate  ;);D

    I could do that or I could just make a call to the relevant authorities about the lack of cleaning when moving between turkey farms ie- there is nothing cleaned or disinfected!! ;)  ;D

  4. Got an update to the situation now, Heard the letterbox go at 630 tonight, letter pushed through saying I was being made redundant from my current job due to lack of work caused by bird flu, thought it was nice of them, they didn't even knock!! Had no contact with them by phone about it, just a letter out of the blue, think that shows what sort of a firm they are to work for :-\

  5. The way i do them is similar to Mike, I lay the tractor on its sid with a nut or something similar between that and the work surface making sure that the hole in the nut is under the axle then take a parallel pin punch and hammer and tap the axle rod from the other side, easy enough to do like that on the back wheels ;)

    You wouldn't be able to do it with a G clamp as it would just prees the rings on tighter ;):)

  6. Blimey Gav.. I reckon you have umpalumpas making this stuff for you.. the Gav factory has been banging out some high quality pieces of late mate... and this is surly one of them...

    I need exactly that at work to load my waste trailer... can you "knock me up" a 1:1 scale one please  ;D

    Thanks Marky. You're making me go all red here :-[:D :D

    You get me the steel and I can do it, size knows no limits ;):D :D

  7. Gavvy love... you are one clever son of a gun.. that is fantastic mate... the chrome paint makes all the difference to an already first class scratch build...

    Christ is there no end to you talents... I bet you can do he splits as well  >:(:D :D

    Can we see the fully finsihed article please... all "rammed up" and ready to go  ;)

    Thanks Marky :)

    The rams came in the post today so it won't be long before the pics are here for all to see :);)

  8. Surprise , surprise that is completely different to what they say in the 2 brochures I have for it - I believe that plough was designed by Peter Topham one of the biggest UK farmers with 6500 acres and an operation in Ukraine ;)

    Never believe what the brochures say, they never seem to test them on the tough land like most of what I was ploughing :-\ If it had been that good Dowdeswell wouldn't have dropped it from the range when they bought Volac :);)

  9. even better mate, quids in all round eh, i take it you'll prob be doing more than 3 days a week in harvest though

    Yeah from what he said this morning he'll be doing the combining whilst myself and his son are out with the 2 Welgar balers on contract work. Never done any baling but I'm really looking forward to it, something I've always wanted to do :)

  10. nice one gav, certainly got to be better than all the turkey dung and fumes ect affecting you, where abouts is the new farm to then?

    The new place is about 3-4 miles from my door so it'll save 24 miles a day on my journey, or in other words nearly a gallon of diesel a day :)

  11. Good on yer mate... can you get me a can of petrol and 20 woodbines then please as well  ;D

    Erm..... No, you told us that you'd given up smoking ::) Unless of course you want to use the petrol to keep Fanny warm ::);D:D :D ;)

  12. Well done indeed Gav... sounds like the idela senario for you mate.. I wish you every success mate  ;)

    Thanks Mark, i hope it does too, like going back in time really as my Grand Father worked for his Father years ago :)

  13. Let me guess your off on a new build Gav! It would be great to see a maize sower in 1/32 as there is tones of maize harvesting gear out there. All the SPFs come with maize cutting gear.

    Ok I'll come clean, over the past week between working on orders I have been casting press wheels and seed hoppers in resin ready to start making a few maize drills up once I get a few orders cleared :);)

  14. Well done Gav best of luck with the new job! and you can do the building in your spare time ;)

    Thanks Garret, Should work well like that as if its wet I'll be at home and during slack times so i can do the models then :)

  15. ... as there is currently no machinery in 1:32 able to do the planting job of maize (where does the John Deere harvester's crop supposed to come from?), and the old six row-machine from Siku looks like rubbish.

    We also need a tool which is called "Hacke" here in Germany, which can be translated as hatchet/hock/hoe, meaning kind of a "row cultivator", which is able to delete all the weeds growing between the maize rows.

    I totally agree, may not be for much longer though........................ ;D::);)

  16. Not yet Ben... I've been watching that little disc plough John... wondered if indeed it might be something different as well...

    I don;t think they "work very well" on our UK soils so believe..  :-\

    I used to use a Volac disc plough a few years ago and can whole heartedly say that it was the biggest heap of excrement i've ever had the misfortune to use, it wasn't too bad on the really light soil but most of the time there was more stubble showing than soil :-\

  17. Thanks guys

    well done Gav, like Barry i thought you had gone full time model builder :D :D

    get the pics soon then ;)

    where is the job based :-\

    It's based at a place called Mattishall near Dereham here in Norfolk

  18. Excellent Gav......Glad to hear that mate......Sounds like you'll be working with some nice machinery of the blue variety too......Do you know how old the TX is mate?  :) :) ;)

    Cheers Martin, no idea on age, I've seen it every year for the past 5 years as it turns out as they had some land joining where I used top work but I've never paid much attention as I was always on the Lexion at the time

    Congratulations mate, be glad to see some pictures, New Holland's aswell, bit of a change of scenery for you! Happy for you mate  :)

    Cheers Luke, looking forward to it, shame about the TSA though

  19. Thanks Barry. I can't make enough doing the scratch building alone but this proves a good answer to the problem as it could only be 2 or 3 days a week some of the time giving me time to do the models as well :);)

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