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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. Nice pics Gav......Does anyone down your way use boxes to cart off the tatties?  :) :) ;)

    We do have a big group here who use 1 ton bags and special trailers on spuds, there are a few people who use boxes as well but the usual way most do it is to cart them back to a grader in bulk then box them up for storage :);)

  2. We went into a field of maize yesterday and this these boys were working over the hedge from us so due to a brief stoppage we had i was able to take some pictures. The Case on the Standen Status harvester is a CVX1155 and the NH on the trailer is a TM125, also carting was an 8360. Pictures were taken near to RAF Marham, more annoying though was the fact that 3 fields away there were 3 Fendts working on Grimme harvesters with a fleet of JQ's carting away from them, may have to go out there this weekend for another look ;D



  3. Looks to me like a Vicon reciprocating bar power harrow, in simple terms the bars move left to right at speed slicing and knocking the clods about, think they were quite a good machine :);)

  4. Great pics mate bet you will really feel it when you stop. How many hours you clocked so far on the 836 ???:D :D

    Just under 300 hrs opn the 836 since we started doing the maize 5 or 6 weeks ago, can't remember the exact date, hardly known what day it is most of the time :o

  5. I have bad memories of an identical tank as that that we had on hire from them. First day on the new job i cooked the pump on it, i really wasn't impressed with it at all. They just tried to charge us ?600 for 2 days hire when it was out of action most of the time because it wasn't up to the job :-\

  6. Nice pics gavvers.... 98 hours a week... oh how I dream of going part-time too  :D :D

    Now then chap....

    How do you know how fast you can push the machine... Is it engine noise... or do you have a "how far you can push it gauge"

    Can we have a pic of the Willypit gauges sometime please  ???

    yes it is engine noise and revs we drive it by, i'll see if i can get you some pictures of the controls but its not so easy as i don't drive it very often

  7. Gav mate, in my opinion that is the mother of all jobs, the maize harvest! Enjoying it? The rigs look nice.

    yes i am, don't get time to breath hardly with how quick we're getting a load :)

    63 arce  :o the biggests field around us is about 25-30  :o

    thats one of the bigger ones we've done, the biggest being 90 acres, most are around 15-30 acres

    Greta photo's Gavin mate, much left to do? There is alot standing down here still but it is beginning to look like old phesant cover. One farm has been combing it though then crimping it over the clamp wall and heaping it up with the 414. Hell of a clamp full they have aswell!!! Thats just the grain aswell.

    not too much left now Tris, only about 5-6 days work

    your head going numb yet gav  ;)

    its not had time to yet, it'll be when we stop that i think i'll feel it more

  8. Can be pretty fast at times then eh, total opposite of the pea viners...... ;)

    I'll have to try and find a maize field further South in Scotland next year so I can see the machines in action...... :) :)

    When the Claas Jag is towing the trailer does the harvested maize manage to fill the trailer up and even itself out by the sheer force of the crop being blown in?

    Yes, and you can lft the whole spout up and down and side to side to leve, fill the trailer. The maize leaves the harvester at 150mph so has plenty of force behind it

  9. Nice pics there Gav...... :)

    Maize is a crop we don't have any of around me so I miss out on all of this...... :'(

    What sort of speed does the Claas harvest at?  :)

    Thanks Martin

    It will take it at anything between 5kph in a heavy crop (few and far between this year) and 16kph in a crap short crop like we were in today, most of the time we go between 7 and 10kph

  10. Took some pictures at work of us doing some maize, i'll get some more pictures as time allows but with 3 16 ton trailers and a Jaguar 900 with 6 metre header i don't get a lot of time to do it. First up opening up the field with the 900 towing a trailer, always easier if there is a grass margin so we don't have to do it this way



  11. Thanks lads, yeah the 2wd would probably be a waste of time in terms of traction for around here...... :-\

    I would still hope that I could source a similar Ford machine for around the same money as the Massey however it may well be I have to bury my head in shame at driving a red in the future...... :D;)

    Oli - I plan to use it on the farm where I help out/work in the holidays as the boss said another tractor would be great to have around at mucking out and other busy times and also just general work around the area if anyone needs another tractor to help with grain carting for example...... :);) ;)

    Martin, be very careful about that as a lot of farmers will always say that sort of thing but when it comes down to it and actually having the offer of another tractor they won't take any action on it, they are a funny breed! Don't just rely on that one farmer, take a good look around locally and if you have one approach the local machinery ring to see what the chances of getting work through them could be, don't forget insurances either, as many people will tell you on here they are not cheap at all :-\

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