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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. quite a machine there gav , not an overly big hopper though ?

    are you bitter towards the workers left there ? ,& stand on the headlands in a dejected manor making obscene hand gestures at  them ? :D :D :D :D :D

    doesn't need to be a very big hopper as OSR goes on at only 5kg per hectare.

    I have no bitter feelings towards anyone there, especially after they all clubbed together and bought me a leaving gift ;D

  2. nice pics G, will you miss the harvest or will you be able to do it again with the new job :-\

    I'll miss it to a point but i sure as hell won't miss all the muck and dust that comes with it. The new job doesn't involve much arable work other than baling and muck spreading so it will be ok :)

  3. Finally managed to get the last of our wheat finished in the past 2 days, took some pictures yesterday as we hit it hard with 2 Lexion 460's with 25 foot beds and a demonstrater CR980 with a 30 foot bed, the result was 200 acres mopped up in 7 fields in one day ;D

    1. All 3 combines together

    2. Our 460 emptying out



  4. Looks great Gav, how are the 6m Simba's coming on ??? ???

    6m ones are coming along slowly Nath, hope to get some more done on them next week between my current job finishing and the new one starting :);)

    Looking very impressive with the hoses fitted now Gav......Never seen OSR drilled that way up here...... :);) ;)

    Thanks Martin, its common practice down this way, we have one on a G&B Discordan for OSR and several other contractors use sinilar setups

  5. not a big ford fan gav JD man through and through but it does look smart.what is the JD.

    He's bought 2, a 7920 and 6920, both autopower tractors, i have driven the 7920 and i'd go for the TVT over it any day, its much simpler

  6. When i first got in it i thought 'oh my god' but its actually very simple, 3 gear ranges within which you can set the top speed you wish to travel at then just use the throttle or cruise control. Bottom picture is of our old 8560 which it is replacing, this tractor is now getting tired having covered 8200 hors since 1997



  7. This is the new tractor that the new boss has bought my colleague, i had a drive in it yesterday and quite frankly it beats the JD hands down that he bought the other guy, was well impressed with it :)



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