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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. I got round to thinking earlier that the Britains Simba Solo 330 isn't really big enough for the bigger tractors some of us have in our collections now so i thought i'd have a go at making a 660, 6.6 m wide one. Only started it this lunchtime and would like some feedback from you guys on here and any suggestions about the work so far, plus my Dremel is a bit on the hot side at the minute and needs to cool down  ::):D :D



  2. That's really bum news Gavin. In this part of the world there are always opportunities for skilled people like yourself.........plenty muppets but few with knowledge and experience. I hope something turns up for you.

    I'm pretty much redundant here.........haven't turned a harvest wheel for 7 days now......rain/mist. 3 miles inland from me they are cutting at 16%  :'( :'(

    Thanks, got a few contacts i'm making use of, but down here good jobs are hard to find at the minute, looking at going self employed again now.

    Know how you feel mate i lost my job a couple of weeks ago because the boss just couldnt afford to keep the business going. Id only been there 2 months and got a weeks notice. Hopefully want to have a new job by the end of this month.

    Definately not good is it. Only thing in my favour is i've been there 5 years so i do get a pay off and i should have had 5 weeks notice but i only have 2 :-\

  3. Thats harsh mate, what turd day your having. From our conversation the other day you didnt seem too happy there anyhow, still havin the choice to stay or leave taken from you is still a bit sh1t. Chin up, chest out. This could be a mixed blessing. All the best Gav.

    Cheers Tris, i haven't been too happy there but as far as i knew it was a secure job for as long as i wanted it. Yes i'm not happy at being made redundant and shall miss the team i work with on the other farm i shall not miss the one person i spend most of the time with who has been making my life miserable, so i'm also relieved and happier like that.

  4. His words to me were i'm just a boy living on borrowed money as i have no farm. Basically his whole business was contract farming and he got the last 2500 acres in quick succession and had to buy a lot of kit in one go, all of which is coming up for replacement in one go and the running costs are getting high. Add to that the fact that one of the tractors cost ?8k in repairs earlier this year and ?5k on the combine service then you can see whats been causing some of the problems :-\

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