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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Plenty of Caravan Club sites around in the Ingham area Nick, on the North Norfolk coast so a popular destination, should be able to find details through their website. I know there is at least one in the neighbouring village to me but I'm 30 miles away heading back towards the Kings Lynn direction
  2. Anyone else remember the "Micro Tris" discussion we had a while back at one of the shows ;D
  3. You might be able to tender to your local council for footpath mowing, you would need a vehicle to move it about with though as quadbike attachments aren't designed to be hauled about on the road alot.
  4. Congratulations Ben and Julie As for what I've been up to today, I've spent all day in bed suffering from a raging temperature, aching body and nasty cough, it seems my workmate has shared his virus with me this week. Very unlike me to need to lay in bed all day, would be nice to just escape getting these viruses for one whole year but I guess thats the problem of having a weak chest and low immune system
  5. The last picture was taken at 3pm, it should take them about a week to get it up.
  6. The steelwork contractors started to erect the framework for the new store first thing this morning so I've been taking a few pictures as the day progressed
  7. Wind turbines are getting very popular up this way too, particularly the off shore ones. There was talk of putting a wind farm up in this village which caused quite a stir but I personally have nothing against them. Having worked next to them in the past they aren't noisey and I don't think they are an eyesore. Just for fun I have recently told the village gossip that we will be errecting two as part of our potato store plans, that should get the NIMBY's fired up ;D
  8. You'd be surprised, that was actually over £600 cheaper for him to insure than the Focus ST he had before it.
  9. Not wanting the Renault Sport version then Blake.....my mate has one and boy does that shift ;D
  10. Not sure that it would be worth your while to do Alex, there's so many of them about at varying prices that unless you can find a duff one at rock bottom prices you may struggle to turn a profit on it, particularly if it turns out the head requires attention once you have it apart as well.
  11. Not exactly a buy but £50 insurance excess.........had a stone hit my Discovery's windscreen and put a bullseye in it, wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't damaged the heated windscreen elements in the process so new windscreen needed
  12. One carefull owner, all blue lights and radio equipment removed? :D
  13. If its a diesel I'd get it looked at quickly as I know of a few people who've had cars do that to them only for the turbo to go bang not long afterwards. It could also be a faulty fuel pump solenoid, had a demo tractor do that to me, it just started belching out clouds of black smoke and was told that was the cause..
  14. Now as much as I used to love hedge cutting (we use a contractor here now) thats the one thing I don't miss about it!!
  15. John Deere 6420s Paul, lift arm cross shaft and bushes are knackered on it......typical John Deere, thats the fourth and final one we've had done in the past 3 years now, first was my old 6920s @ 4000hrs then the 6910 @ 6800hrs, the 6810 @ 9000hrs just before Christmas and now this one @ 3600hrs. Each time the bill has been between £2000 and £3000!! As for what annoyed me today, we lost a fourth calf last night during birth, this one drowned in its own fluid bag, boss missed it by 5 minutes. We've had to pull two more today from heifers. Seriously reconsidering the use of AI in future as we never had this much trouble using our own bull on the heifers
  16. Thats just madness Chris, its not as if the plant would be needing it or able to take it up while its as cold as its been either, some people have no patience when it comes to that sort of thing! No doubt we'll be putting the first dose of liquid N on in the next couple of weeks once the spraying tractor is back with us after being repaired
  17. Its a Centenery event on the farm, will know more details for those interested over the course of the couple of months or so.
  18. It does indeed, we actually have a Grain Butler stirring auger that we use in the grainstore just to keep it moving and alow the air to flow through the grain better, the harvest student usually gets the pleasure of monitoring its progress. Since having it we have no longer had any more "cliff face" effects in the grain store where grain has been put in damp and then dried on the floor
  19. Trip is now postponed, I have had an email off the manager at Coldham today to say that they will be too busy at the end of March to commit to accomodating a visit however they are holding an event on the farm in June that he will be keeping me updated about.
  20. Neither of those would do the job accurately Martin, you need a much longer spear to do the job as the temperature will increase as you get deeper into the heap. We sample at 50cm, 100cm and 200cm deep in our bulk store to check both storage moisture and temperature. The only way that you may gat away with those instruments is to use a spear to bring a sample up to check with them which wouldn't be as accurate in my opinion as the grain would be cooling very quickly as it came out of the heap.
  21. The manual would probably say 14 - 40m as there are a range of boom options available for any make or model of sprayer, may not necessarily be whats shown in brochure pictures. In the case of our sprayer at work it has a 12/24m boom fitted so is 12m wide with the two end sections folded in or 24m with them folded out.
  22. Had a relaxing morning and now cooking lunch before going out to introduce the pigeons to Mr Webley and Scott this afternoon
  23. Nope definately not, just noted a few bits of interest for me and what our own items made (or didn't make ), I went more to catch up with some people who I knew would be there who I haven't seen for a long while.
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