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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I just focus on the centre mark Chris, usually a good distance ahead of the tractor so I can allow for any side slopes or wiggles that need removing. I occassionally glance in a wing mirror to see what the join looks like to the previous bout or the rear view mirror to see there are no unusual marks behind me caused by jammed press wheels. There is no overlap as the drill runs 18 inches away from the previous bout.
  2. It was a bit Nick, thats the lightest field on the farm and reclaimed heathland. Glad to get them in now as it means we can get on with the potatoes
  3. Being told tonight that once I've got all the potato land subsoiled we're having a change round so I have my tractor on the new destoner and the guy on that goes ridging up with the 6910
  4. When I got into work this morning I was asked if I could drill the rest of the sugarbeet today due to the weather forecast allowing my boss to do the pre-emergence spray on them. Its been about 6 years since I last done any beet drilling so it made a change, I did tell the boss I was a bit rusty at it 6810 and beet drill, the tractor now has 9060 hours on the clock
  5. It does indeed Niels, damn seagulls have been using it for target practice
  6. I'd actually started to subsoil the field in the pictures before he got onto it, as its behind sugarbeet we wanted to make the most of the dry conditions before the rain comes at the weekend so I had to go back afterwards and pull his wheelings out again. We've been drilling beet as well this week but had a slight hitch this evening, we've been rained off in the past but having to stop drilling beet due to thick fog is a first!! Visibility was less than 30m at times so our man on the drill couldn't see his mark to continue drilling without making a mess. The annoying bit is that we were less than a mile from the yard as the crow flies and back at the yard there was just a little mist!
  7. We've had one of the local spraying contractors in this week putting the suspension fertiliser on this years potato ground so I can start subsoiling it ready for ridging up. This year they had one of their Sands sprayers with a purpose build spray pack with special nozzles for the extremely thick fertiliser instead of the JCB Fastrac we've had for the previous couple of years.
  8. Spent 8 hours in a room doing a course on safe working practices in agriculture and passing the exam at the end of it so I now have a VQ in the subject.
  9. We also started drilling beet today, nice amount of moisture in the soil so the seedbeds are coming down really well Our new Standen Uniweb destoner also turned up today so we're now ready to start potato planting at the end of the week
  10. Few updates from work. The roof is now on the building, the whole thing is going to be clad in box profile sheeting with 100mm of insulation board bonded to it.
  11. Don't forget last years antics where Pete's mate started stealing Seans food as well :ha ha!:
  12. How I'm feeling tonight.........I shouldn't have given in to my boss when he begged me to go into work ploughing today
  13. You're not wrong there, I'm at Langham so only a village or two away. If Arkwright has any Britains models in Binham I'd be surprised if they were at a "good" price :ha ha!:
  14. No idea buddy, I don't tend to go into Holt too often unless its to the chip shop, bank or country sports shop, everything else has too higher price tag for me
  15. That makes two of us then, I live and work 6 miles away from Holt
  16. Hi Andrew, welcome to FTF from a fellow Norfolk member, hope you enjoy your time on here and prepare yourself to have your wallet forever empty from this point on!!
  17. Its a wonder you had time to take all those pictures with the amount of time you spent shopping David :ha ha!:
  18. Cheers chaps. My mistake was going back to work on Monday in a cold, windy and wet farmyard then crawling about on a barn floor under tractors and being in and out of cow sheds. Our yard makes Malvern look tropical!!
  19. Waking up this morning to find my chest infection is back with a vengeance Glad I got some more pills off the Dr yesterday now!
  20. After being off all week with a virus I had to nip to the yard tonight to show someone how to use my tractor so got a few updated pictures of the shed......
  21. Just had a parcel arrived with my garden seeds for this year to find I have more than I ordered. I've used a new company this year who supply the market growers as the seed shoud be better quality and it is vastly cheaper than the garden suppliers. It now seems that I have enough sweetcorn seed to supply a whole village as they didn't have the small 500 seed packet I ordered they sent a 2500 seed packet free of charge at a cost of £12.60 to themselves......result! Sweetcorn seed anyone
  22. More like commiserations with those prizes David
  23. Not going to be a mobile weighing platform is it Marky?
  24. Can't help you with that one then I'm afraid, bit out of our area. The yard at work already has one caravan in it and building work going on at the moment so we wouldn't be able to accomodate you anyway. Could try ringing a machinery dealer in that area (Stalham Engineering) and they may be able to suggest someone
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