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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Do I get to see it tomorrow Marky or will it be under armed guard in case Barry is lurking in the shadows with his matches ;D
  2. No because we're all good little boys and never leave mud or debris on the road :D :D
  3. Been cutting up some elm for firewood, been dead a long while before it blew down the other week, couldn't split anything over 8 inches in diameter with an axe as it was so hard so had to break out the chainsaw for the job.......should burn well I think
  4. Buster........he was sniffing round the companion set beside the fireplace when he knocked the coal tongs off and they landed on his nose, after jumping back he's now cowering on the sofa with me laying on my feet eyeing them up cautiously ;D ;D
  5. Moving our cows 1 mile across the farm from the turnips to the forage rape, bedding down the calves which seem to have gone dangerously wild in the past few days then sorting out the electric fence where the cows are now........studentitis : :
  6. Be nice if they would, Claas state it as February delivery for the regular model at the minute though
  7. Just how many favourite forum members do you have Marky ;D ;D
  8. As it was such a lovely day today I thought I'd get a few pictures of our cows after we moved them onto 45 acres of Swift kale/forage rape hybrid. The fence is advanced to halfway between the next pair of bales each day, we were then putting the fence up for tomorrow when I took the pictures. We always have to strips fenced in each day, gives a little extra security in the event of them breaking through the first one The first two pictures were taken about an hour after they went on there so think they'd been busy
  9. Someone once gave me a good bit of advice about having a girlfriend.......... unfortunately as its a family forum I can't pass it onto you here ;D
  10. Its just Marky thats soft like that, I nearly sliced the end of my finger off a few years back when a flint shattered when I was trying to prise it out of the plough, one piece of dirty rag and some insulating tape later and I was sorted..........if I'd seen a quack though my finger may not be so sore at times still in hindsight : For me though been a day in the workshop adjusting trailer brakes (can kiss the windscreen now if I hit the brakes hard ), removing the front linkage off the 6810 before it goes in for surgery and have just got in from a works related jolly thrown by Norfolk Farm Vets, a talk on abortion in cattle, a quiz and a free hog roast with all night free bar hic hic ;D
  11. It would have still happened Sean as I'd have still been standing in the same place listening as I had a rough idea what the problem was, boss didn't know anything about the rattle
  12. Whilst trying to trace a rattling noise on the front end of the 6810 this morning I managed to catch my elbow on the cooling fan dish (yes engine was running to be able to trace the rattle) slicing through my jacket, overalls, hoodie, shirt and t-shirt along with starting on my arm......good start to the week at 8am
  13. It looks like it to me Tris, it looks different to my Siku one I have here \
  14. Cheers chaps No the Plastruct wasn't heated Marky, its quite flexible really so doesn't need it for a lot of the bends I've made with it
  15. Thanks John I've made one of the webs in the tank for the harvester this morning, quite pleased with the way its turned out Its made of 1.5mm x 4mm Plastruct strip and 1mm Plastruct rod
  16. Been working on the chassis for this today along with the spill guard in the tank and for under the tank loading elevator. Its taken a fair while to sort out today due to getting all the angles cut right but I'm pleased with how its looking now Front tank support and chassis Tubular tank gard can be seen above unloading elevator here Rear loading elevator guard and rear tank supports
  17. My girlfriend last night and this morning, it was her works Christmas bash last night and I got a drunken phonecall and some texts that make Seans spelling look good at midnight asking me to go pick her up as she'd lost her house keys in her handbag somewhere. I was trying to act sympathetic whilst trying not to laugh this morning when she was complaining about her pounding headache, something to do with the 4 bottles of wine she drunk I think ;D
  18. Webs will be made out of 1mm round plastruct or brass and thin plastruct strip as the Tim's use a continental rubber belted web not the old link type. I need to make myself a jig first for making the webs though, should be fun
  19. Had some more materials come today so have been able to get the structure of the tank nearly finished tonight, just need to make the unloading web for it and ram pivots along with some tidying up of the edges
  20. Its a similar size Sean but just has a slightly bigger tank capacity to it
  21. Thanks guys. with regards to detail I'm going to build the cleaning turbines as per the real ones out of rod on this one and completely scratch build the webs, I just want it to be as realistic as possible. My hands were tied with the last one somewhat as had I done that on that one the costs of casting would have increased greatly as would the problems associated with the casting. It needed to be a happy medium and I've learnt some new techniques and lessons since I built it. If I have got a good way further with it by the 13th I will indeed bring it with me Marky
  22. I've still got all the measurements for that one, just want to do something for myself first for once
  23. After a few months off from models due to various reasons and getting a few outstanding orders cleared up I've started to build myself a one of TIM sugarbeet harvester for my own collection. This one is based on the two row unload on the move model, the MIISA/TEA of which two of our neighbours at work operate, there are several differences other than the tank between this one and my exsisting model that I produce for sale. I will try to keep this topic updated as the build progresses, it may take some time as without having to worry about building this model for casting I'm going to try and build more detail into it. This is the real machine I have started with the tank and unloading elevator, the rough shape is there now
  24. Doesn't help does it John, we have mountains of cans during the late spring and summer from blight spraying, a lot of 1 litre cans as its a two part one we use the most, chemical companies could help more with their packaging in my opinion
  25. Not at the minute Sean, this is one for my own collection, will just be a one of because of the amount of detail I'm putting into it
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