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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. More plastruct and brass rod for beet harvester construction and the other thing I'm working on
  2. A completely new scratchbuild project for myself, all will be revealed soon enough
  3. Spent a few hours with my girlfriend this morning, been to do a bit of shopping and to see Mum and am now working on a new project
  4. I don't blame him, that used to make me feel sick as well, always used to get out of it though For me its been a day of beet harvester building, chasing up UH models and now sitting in front of a nice roaring fire.......getting a bit warm in here now though, the oak is burning well :D
  5. Thats the way Paul, never go to the Doctors unless you're absolutely forced ;D
  6. You should be able to ring your CC company within 5-7 days and ask them for the codes Colm
  7. My Nan has been in hospital since last Wednesday after having another fall, thats now 15 in the past 3 years. This time however they have kept her in after finding that bit out from my two aunts and Mum. They have now realised that there must be an underlying reason and after several scand have diagnosed her with Vascular Degeneration, also known as Vascular Parkinsons which means she isn't getting enough oxygen to her brain at times due to faulty degenerating veins, the condition will only get worse as well ultimately losing the power of speech and the ability to walk. Nan will now more than likely have to go into a home when she comes out, almost exactly 3 years to the day since her first fall near her 80th birthday
  8. I would agree with that in some ways but on a small farm like ours if you said there was £10000 difference in price between say a Knight and a John Deere sprayer thats alot of money that could be spent elsewhere in the machinery fleet when you have other items in need of upgrading, in our case trailers. I know its proving a difficult decision to make at the minute for my boss
  9. The trouble is while we make good sprayers in this country, justifying the extra cost to buy a British built machine is a problem, a 3000l 24m Knight machine is now more than £42500 whereas the European built John Deere and Berthoud machines are considerably cheaper as we've recently found out at work \
  10. I can sympathise with you there David as I've been off work most of the week with something resembling Salmonella food poisoning, not good is it
  11. We run a 95 cow suckler herd with followers. The cows calve from late January, calves were weaned at the end of October, at present the calves are inside in open fronted sheds with outdoor yard space being fed bale silage, straw, meal and potatoes. The cows are outside on stubble turnips at present of which we have 35 acres of, as they come nearer to calving they will all come into the big enclosed shed we have and the calves will go out on the turnips if we have any left or onto the 45 acres of forage rape we also have if not leaving the shed they were in free to house the new mothers. Come March we start to either look to sell the yearlings or to fatten them ourselves so they will be out of the way, the cows and calves then go out onto grass and onto the 15 acres of Grazing Rye that we also grow for them. Last year we grew Kale as well but it beggered up the rotation, still being in the field when we needed to plant the spuds on it
  12. No more so than you'd get with a normal drill really Ricky
  13. There's a few still about the Kings Lynn and Dereham areas as well. Unlike the Kverneland Packomat seeder the Minimat is 100% mechanical and independant from the tractor. I believe there's some 6 furrow versions working in the Nott's/Leics area as well \
  14. Hiil and Osbourne were a local firm to me here, they went under 10 or more years ago I believe, as well as making the Minimats they were the local JD dealers for this part of Norfolk. From memory I think another small engineering firm bought the rights to and the stock of Minimat parts but unsure as to whether they are still running now. They are a very good press and drilling system for light to medium soils which are common on the North Norfolk coast, a very well thought out and cost effective piece of kit
  15. No I can't Marky as I haven't managed to polish a Massey yet ;D *
  16. I will if I get the chance Sean It is a very nice model though and would look nice with a bubble cab on it
  17. UH Ford 7600, my mate asked me to get him one so I had to have one to go in my collection as well
  18. Your splinter sounds a monster, truth beknown it was probably a thistle spike you big girls blouse :D I'm on the mend and tried to go back to work again today but that wasn't one of my better ideas
  19. You could always list them for sale on here if you know roughly what you want for them Simon, that doesn't breach any rules, only posting ebay links to your items does
  20. Day 6 of food poisoning, not sure how much more of the stomach cramps I can take Now to top it off I've just gone outside to find 2 panes out of my greenhouse smashed on the floor with a roof tile laying nearby >
  21. May look at new decals for it and patching the mudguard up at the back \
  22. Do the bu**er yourself, I don't do my truck so I'm not doing your car I only done the 6810 as it was showing the other 3 up being a dull pale green instead of bright and shiney
  23. I heard about that on the local radio Mike, haven't they also printed a 90+ page instruction book for it as well? Sounds yet another ridiculous waste of tax payers money to me that would be better spent putting more officers on the street
  24. Got tired of looking at the faded paint on the 6810 so gave it a coat of polish on Monday, looks much better for it I think
  25. Gav836

    Ebay user names.

    Thats good then as now we have your user name we can all block you from bidding on our items we have for sale then if thats the sort of thing that you get up to : From a buyers point of view its just as bad as it means we're bidding against a time waster who's running up the bidding for the sake of it!
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