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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. The rain this afternoon, maybe now the soil will stay in the spud harvester longer
  2. I have a leaflet or two here on Allman sprayers with a wide selection of trailed models in from the early 80's Sean so they did produce them. There's also Dorman and Berthoud from that era as well
  3. Yeah, still got another 5 or 6 days on them then its back to drilling wheat/subsoiling/ploughing
  4. I most certainly am having fun, Started on the Dell now and they are enormous spuds, not taking long to fill a trailer at all. It would be more than one person could eat as a baked spud the size they are :D Certainly is dry, having to blow the tractor radiator out daily now due to the dust from the haulm topper
  5. Hi Sascha, thanks for the comments. The Vision is a 1999 machine and has had a hard life before coming to us, it is number 10 off the production line and was one of 2 working on a neighbouring farm lifting 1000 acres between them roughly in any ground condition. Yes the back wheels on my tractor are row-crop wheels, we replace the original 20 inch ones with 16 inch wide row crops that are paired to the everday 16 inch front wheels on the tractor so the fronts stay the same. With the UK system of planting into destoned beds we can get away with a slightly wider tyre than you would there where you plant straight into harrowed fields
  6. Agreed, sounds like they may be taking advantage of your age to a degree here Martin, does your warranty restrict you to that garage or can you take it elsewhere for a second opinion?
  7. Now that is a cracking conversion, a great improvement over the original
  8. Its not too bad James, bit of a pain this year though as they had a young lad on the seperator spring time aparently and he was more interested in another sort of bed with his new girlfriend than doing a good job on the spud beds lots of stones, shallow soil in places, its a nightmare at times. You're right though there isn't much of a clear view of the main web, in fact its a struggle to see the left hand sides flow when you're sitting facing right for the trailers \ Its not a Baselier, I know its a two word name but I can't think of it at the minute. I think I'll leave that to you and your three harvesters as I need to get my big wheels back on and bust up all the spud fields ready to drill wheat into them :D
  9. Cheers guys. These spuds are all grown for the crisping industry as far as I'm aware Rick, for those based this side of the water the company we grow them through is Greenvale AP who in turn supply Walkers. There was about 55 acres of Saturna and 50 acres of Pentland Dell Its a badge engineered jobby Mart, will get the real maker off the badge for you tomorrow
  10. Cheers Mart, its an older Reekie topper
  11. Heres a few pics taken by a friend I had visit me at work today, still on spuds, all the Saturna were up by mid afternoon so we have started on the Pentland Dell now
  12. Cheers Texas, both of those air fresheners were inherited with the tractor from my predecessor and need changing now :D
  13. Cheers Marky, it was taking about 30 mins tops to fill a trailer on that field, taking 45-60 mins on the field we're on now as its shorter ends and a poorer crop Cheers, Nikon Coolpix L16 camera I thought that you might enjoy it
  14. You forgot the Brokeback Mountain picture incident Cheesey :D :D
  15. Cheers Mark There's just over 110 acres I think, split between Saturna and Pentland Dell, the former are on the heavier, wetter ground so we are trying to get them out before it rains again.
  16. Here's video number 2, finally loaded onto pb on the 3rd attempt
  17. Always two trailers as the grader can't cope with anymore, wasn't so bad close to the yard, 5 mins at the most, but now we're further away the travelling time adds to things
  18. Sounds like you may need to invest in a Bryant and May baler Andy \
  19. Cheers Murray That field was started on in the middle of thursday afternoon, headlands take a long while to clear due to the shunting about, we've now had just over 2.5 days on it and are just over halfway, we could be further but with only two trailers and a slowish grader I can load them quicker than they can get rid of it so I end up having a 10-15 min wait between trailers. Theres a low bank at the end of that field between ours and the neighbours so th etrees you can see in the distance of the first picture are the far side of the neighbours field, not an overly big field, 25-30 acres I think from memory
  20. Thats the wrong N reg BC, this is "N" at the back, not the front of the plate so would be 1st August 1974 - 31st July 1975
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