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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Richard Skewes and Sam Wadsworth joined forces on this massive veg display. That Scania and tipper is a big model, trust me, and this display makes it look tiny.
  2. Dominik (Dr abich) with his Polish farm I belive these are Barry Burrels dioramas?
  3. Ben Danforths (fendt farmer) selection of dioramas and custom built collection.
  4. Mathew Olds collection of very impressive builds, not that I'm biased 😉
  5. Another regular on the circuit who's name I dont know. Zak Andersons (Anderson Agri) big Lower Manor Farm as seen on the forum which placed 1st.
  6. The gigantic farm display, I've never caught the guys name but the display also visits Toytrac and Warwick Some of Reg Grays latest work, the multiple levels of the dairy farm were very effective.
  7. I had a brilliant day out on Sunday, even if a little worse for ware after Saturday nights antics. The number of displays seemed to be well recieved by the public but chatting with various traders there was not alot of people people digging deep and spending, likely a reflection of the current economic climate. I only managed to grab photos of the displays but there was a veritable delight of items on offer from traders. Photos in the order they were taken, sorry for any wrong names! Craig Pitman who placed third I think.
  8. We may have an issue there Smithy 😂
  9. Best get everything looking it's best for Sunday, abit of maintenance work required and a good vet for those cows.
  10. That is excellent Nige, really impressive work, particularly being in brass! Hopefully its not 17 years till we see another build from you
  11. That looks smart Sean, something like that would be very difficult to achieve with a resin printer, especially without warping heavily
  12. From memory this was printed along with a bunch of track grousers, so I nested three engines and probably 15 grousers on the build plate and because they're only 10/15mm tall it took about an hour to print everything. Yes Joe, one singular print with supports where the computer wanted to put them and then just quickly brush painted.
  13. A little demonstration of the detail a Resin Printer can achieve. This was a full size file downloaded off Grab cad then scaled down to 1:32 and put in the printer. The detail that has remained is really impressive.
  14. Great to hear, looking forward to hearing more
  15. Missed these earlier, love them! Particularly the Bonser, foot pedals are the icing on the cake detail wise, far too much patience
  16. Incredibly intricate work there John, nicely done
  17. Thank you, yes it is 1:32 scale. I have a habit of starting projects and not finishing them so I have not made a specific topic, when some more progress is made I will start a new topic.
  18. Thank you Jan, yes the undercarriage has been designed and 3D printed by myself.
  19. Scalpel in hand on this one for the first time in a while, they're a big old bit of kit these mastenbroeks, certainly testing the grey matter between the ears!
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