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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Looking good Alex, great to see the new farm expanding beyond the carpet!
  2. Great work Gavin, nice to see the development process too
  3. Alright, this 3D print stuff is quite good fun. Stl file bought of cults, never thought I'd have my car in 1/32 scale
  4. Funny you should say that today if all days Smithy. I've put my first ever big print on (5.5hrs) and the kettle has decided it no longer wants to kettle tripping the electrics mid print! Luckily as Sean says there's some fancy bit of programming that realises what went on and starts from where it stopped.
  5. Yes all the CAD is from scratch, I have two 2d views from the brochure and just working off that for rough sizes. Wheels are okay once you get your head around them and the idea you never really draw a circle to make them, instead revolving a cross sectional drawing of tyre. I'm still getting used to fusion 360 though, like learning a second language. Solidworks is what I use during the day and I'm much more competent with it.
  6. Really starting to see the possibilites 3D printers can offer. Just not as enjoyable as hand work, think the upper body work on this will be off the craft knife, spend enough time staring at computer screens at work!
  7. Excitedly booked a table this afternoon to dust of the display, only to be reminded I've got a YFC dinner dance on the Saturday night in Driffield, going to be some rushing about going on that weekend! Looking forward to catching up with the community again, feels like theres alot of excitement building about being back.
  8. One 'ultra' detailed KTwo Ejector finished. Quite pleased with the outcome. Added the working scissor system for the ejector hydraulics, working roll over cover and lots of hydraulic hoses
  9. Phoar, look at all the resiny goodness. Looks like they've held up very well, no major warping.
  10. I've seen stuff about Gcode for printing before but never really understood it. I just save the file direct from splicer (chitubox) onto a USB, plug the USB into the printer and hit print from the touchscreen menu. Use a cnc router at work that requires direct Gcode and just alot of hassle these days to be honest.
  11. Is that ROI TV Justy? eBay has had ads over here for years. Trying to battle against the likes of Depop for second hand clothes sales and the like.
  12. It certainly starts to push towards small businesses taking the leap and sucking up the initial costs of having their own ecommerce site. But equally I guess that's the cost of ease and access to a huge customer base.
  13. Coming out as 13.3% at the moment, its okay for small price items but once you're into finished model money £50/80+ its a big old hit!
  14. Adore the texture on that field Jack, what have you used beneath the grass to build it up? Lovely work on the bulker to!
  15. I would probably suggest a resin printer is the more suitable option if you're aiming to make things like that, pheraps the Elegoo Saturn rather than the Mars as it can print bigger objects. The firewood processor I did has a number of holes all sub 1mm diameter, some over 10mm long that all printed perfectly. You're bigger issue, and I suspect you would experience it with a filament or resin printer is such flat thin parts will want to warp, hopefully only marginally but just something to be weary of.
  16. Some great builds on the go at the moment. The complexity in the parts you've fabricated for the drills is mind blowing Will
  17. Lovely truck Jack, should look smart on a bulker
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