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Posts posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. 4 hours ago, catkom3 said:

    Good the first printer I built also forgot one of the cables, But a socket with no plug suggests somethings amiss, As for the SD card lots of guys save their pieces straight to the card as gcode files, Not sure of the difference, but I always save mine to my stl folder and print them as stl files unless it's a long print 15 / 16 hours or so, after you slice an item you get the chance to chose .stl or gcode, James might shed some light on that.



    I've seen stuff about Gcode for printing before but never really understood it. I just save the file direct from splicer (chitubox) onto a USB, plug the USB into the printer and hit print from the touchscreen menu. Use a cnc router at work that requires direct Gcode and just alot of hassle these days to be honest. 

  2. 6 hours ago, justy 46 said:

    Ebay are advertising themselfs on TV now... Which is a first and perhaps desperation for business. I wonder is there a drop in the amount off people using Ebay to sell products.? I myself have backed off quite alot using Ebay. Postage costs and Import charges alone are enough of a turnoff lately on top off Ebays fees. 

    Is that ROI TV Justy? eBay has had ads over here for years. Trying to battle against the likes of Depop for second hand clothes sales and the like.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Udimore said:

    Yep. And that's with subscribing to a shop as a business seller

    Probably cheaper selling as an individual and waiting for the offers. From what i read they take 12.8% of the final sales price plus listing fees

    Coming out as 13.3% at the moment, its okay for small price items but once you're into finished model money £50/80+ its a big old hit!

    • Like 1
  4. I would probably suggest a resin printer is the more suitable option if you're aiming to make things like that, pheraps the Elegoo Saturn rather than the Mars as it can print bigger objects. The firewood processor I did has a number of holes all sub 1mm diameter, some over 10mm long that all printed perfectly. You're bigger issue, and I suspect you would experience it with a filament or resin printer is such flat thin parts will want to warp, hopefully only marginally but just something to be weary of. 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Tractorman810 said:

    software downloaded , pencil synced up, and all ready to have a go, only got the free version for now, had a quick play and seems easy enough,but its a fair learning curve i recon. bonus,it does let me open other files, so i may try buying a few and playing round as well 

    Exciting times Sean, be good to see how you get on.

    • Like 1
  6. There's a good vice documentary on this story 

    It's certainly an interesting discussion and as mentioned affects a much wider range of companies than just JD, Tesla are hugely at risk because of it. The discussion was gaining alot of traction at Uni last year and appears to be taken quite seriously across the board.


  7. 7 hours ago, Pete132 said:

    Is the gorilla super glue good for modelling?

    I find it good for gluing acrylic together such as the Braemere Kits, the only other alternative for acrylic is Tensol12 adhesive which is like plasticweld for acrylic (Gorilla Super Glue, not normal Gorilla Glue). Anything else modelling wise using plasticard, plastruct etc I always use plastic weld.

    • Like 1
  8. The 6290 announcement has me feeling old! I had a 6270 with loader as my first ever model from Todmorden Agricultural Show, probably 2005/6 at a guess. Will certainly be getting one for nostalgias sake, I can see why people get stary eyed over Britains MF 595s and Ford 5000s now

    • Like 2
  9. Spent today understanding how 3D printers can be an attraction to those with no CAD skills. 

    Years ago Newray made a series of hunting model playsets, one of which includes an 8x8 Argocat ATV. I've recently been trying to buy one but the cheapest I could find was £45 from America before any import taxes. On a whim I googled "Argocat Stl" and to my suppise there was a site selling a ready to print 1:18th scale stl file for $15 so I bought it, rescaled it to 1:32 and printed it. 

    Very pleased with the outcome, I've ended up with a far more detailed model for a total of about £12.50 and five hours of printing. Just got to paint it now. 

    Fresh off the printer


    Complete model, had to do abit of modding for the axles as when scaled down the system for 1:18 scale was to delicate in 1:32.





    Very impressed how well the frame printed considering how delicate it is. Pencil for scale. Unfortunately it did break in a few places when cutting the supports off


    On a more comical note another stl file I bought online, pigeons aren't real, a comical spoof on the idea all pigeons are actually government drones. Makes a fun little decoration for the shed. 


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