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Posts posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Rams have always been a big set back. To cut the twenty required for the original models in this thread took over a days work and involves getting your fingers covered in paper cuts. The process has now been sped up using a diamond cutting tool in a dremel and diamond debur tool for drilling new holes. These give much cleaner cuts and are faster than hand pipe cutters and conventional drill bits. 

    Now a batch if twenty rams can be cut down in just over an hour. 





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  2. Some more Bailey behind the scenes, starting with the casting station. Moulds on the go in this shot include all the Bailey parts, rims, tyres, mudguards, grain chutes and casting alongside are some truck and small implement wheels which use any excess resin or rubber from a pour. 


    I run 8 tyre moulds allowing for two trailers worth of tyres to be made per pour keeping up with the laser cutters cutting rate. 


    On the subject of lasers, these are the shadow boards for picking out cut parts from a sheet, my little sister helps out from time to time and these sheets let her identify what to put in the parts boxes and what to bin. 


    Not everything is cut by laser though, plasticard sides, rubber mudguards and scrim mesh are all cut by hand. 



    Everything for the kits start to come together in bundles, here wheels, axles, pins, rams and grain chutes are bagged together. 


    Mudguards are prepped by removing flash and then packing into boxes. 


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  3. A little topic to keep people occupied in the dead spot between Christmas and New Year. 

    Despite a continuation of the pandemic its felt like a good year for releases and scratch building, so what's been your highlights and why? The more photos the better. 

    For me the year started off with a bang finishing the Heath Bale Chasers, a build I'm still very proud of. They marked the culmination of the last 5/6 years building models and learning new skills. And has been closed off in style with Marge releasing the Scania R Series models. A brilliant heavy model that demonstrates Marge continued efforts to provide high detail truck models in 1:32, I really thought the first Volvos would be a one-off so this was a pleasure to see. 



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  4. It does seem to have been quiet all winter so far! Personally between a 10hr shift, 2hrs of commuting and the rest of the time producing model kits to sell I haven't really had time for personal projects. I'd share more about building kits but to be honest, it's very boring most of the time! Hopefully house buying is on the horizon for early next year and then I can get on with some of my own stuff! 

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  5. 7 hours ago, sipher172 said:

    hahaha, well I trying to clear projects off my work bench this Christmas so the pressure is building.  After these models I have a Larrington Guardian box loader, a JCB Forward Control and a Mini Veg Packer. 

    Lovely builds on the go Chris, looking forward to seeing the forward control, a Knight I assume? I've seen a couple of half-hearted efforts but I'm sure you can make something truly befitting of the real vehicle! 

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