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Posts posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. 6 hours ago, 844john said:

    Definitely................. not James!😉 She’s been showing me some videos on you tube, and it’s all way over my head. No doubt there may be the odd thing that she could help me with, but I’ll stick to being an old anachronism listening to Radio 2 in my shed with my knife in hand!😆

    Radio 2! this is where you're going all wrong John, imagine the speed you could be building models if you had Friday night Radio 1 on, or Rene LaVice's Drum and Bass show on a Monday, really would be rivalling Bathgate's production speeds then 😁

    • Haha 3
  2. 5 hours ago, 844john said:

    Thanks to everyone for their input on this, it has been a very informative topic. I must give special thanks to Joe for bothering on and taking the time to explain further, you’ll be pleased to hear Joe that we’ve taken your advice and bought on for our daughter’s Christmas present....well there was no point me getting one, I struggle to work the remote control for the TV!🤣

    The Craft Knifes retirement looms ever closer 😉

  3. 12 hours ago, IH885XLMAN said:

    Well did u see the price the origionsl bubble cabbed 6600 were making last year ???? Over 120 for one 

    Naghty not to buy 3 in a trade box i thought to myself  give them 10 years or so  mark my words  

    It will be interesting to see what happens to the value over time, after all Britains have just effectively doubled the number of them out there, and the volume that will stay in boxes as 'collectors pieces' will be considerably more than when they were originally released.

    Does anyone know rough figures for what Britains current production runs are these days? I seem to recall Andy mentioning it to be as low as 5000 units when there was all the discussion about a Bunning spreader model.

  4. The main issue with 'organic' items, humans animals etc is the making of them. While your standard CAD programs are great for making machinery that you can print, because, well, that machinery was designed on CAD in the first place, they're no good at making organic curves. For that you want a CAD program like Zbrush which is basically a virtual ball of wax that you manipulate and sculpt, just like in real life. Its notoriously hard to use and doesn't have a free/beginner alternative so requires high investment just to learn.

    There must be some different methods though as companies like Wasp Slot make huge numbers of 3D printed slotcar figurines. Unless they are laser scanning people to make the CAD I assume they are using something like Zbrush. It's not something I've looked overly far into though.


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  5. We're driving over to the Alps mid December, I will report back on what the customs process is like then. There's normally some nice Pisten Bully snow groomer models available out there so we'll see if they pick up on them on the way back. Obviously a car packed like Mr Softie is going to attract more attention than one with a couple of models in the boot! 

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Valley Axe Man said:

    Interesting project James, when I first see the word automower I thought you were heading away to tackle one of the  Long wheelbase cable/pylon winching tractors...... 

    Watch this space Paul, I've already been in touch with Ian at Tab hunting bits, and Nigel will be the next port of call, a pylon tractor will be on its way.

    13 minutes ago, 844john said:

    Looking forward to seeing this progress James. I think I’ve seen these kits on eBay in the past, certainly something very similar but much cheaper than a scaledown. 

    Cheers John, yes my hunch is they have used a scaledown as a master pattern and cast the white metal in larger sections.

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  7. 1 hour ago, catkom3 said:

    Interesting you should mention take lots of pictures James, As I have recently discovered this scanning tutorial useing just your phone / camera and a PC, How you would obtain loads of images of the bottom of your object beats me though, But it does look better than any affordable 3D scanner I have seen so far,??





    There was an interesting feature on 3D scanning on the new Hornby Model Railway programme on Yesterday. Looking at that though there's still alot of manual cad and other post processing after the scan. 

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  8. Starting to push the printer alittle more now, and getting my head around Fusion 360 which really does feel like learning a second language! 

    I'm redeveloping the Hakki Pilke firewood processor I've scratch built in the past to a castable model kit. I'm taking plenty of photos and screenshots along the way to do a full write up but for now this is where we are. 



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