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Posts posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. I imagine it comes down to legislation Paul. I know that exhibitor space and trading space for Cheshire is full, and they're limited to 4000 people through the door each day. Weather wise it's looking interesting! Just a shame we haven't got any engines on strakes to carry on getting about, either way it will be great to catch up with people we haven't seen in almost two years! 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Stabliofarmer said:

    John, that is gorgeous, not just a fantastic model but a great looking truck in itself, particularly impressed with the rear tail gate rams.

    Can't wait to see the full outfit

    Nevermind, just seen your collection topic, lovely stuff!

    • Thanks 1
  3. It's been a while, but we were finally at a steam rally at the weekend. Our model engineering society's annual rally at Squires Cafe, Leeds. Nice to get the engines out, they've only been out once in the last two years which was for the same meeting in September last year. 


    It's sounding like a sign of things opening up regardless of today's announcements. The motorway traffic driving back in Sunday certainly suggested that with campers with an assortment of racing vehicles on the back along the motorway. Truck show next weekend and Great Yorkshire to follow that along with some full rallies later in the summer. Fingers crossed! 


    • Like 6
  4. 1 hour ago, ford man said:

    Ur right stablio, I got it from the horse’s mouth yesterday. The problem is not Britains - it’s shipping at the moment. I know this coz I’m involved in importing into Ireland and it’s a nightmare at moment.

    I expected as much, between COVID and the Suez issue there's huge delays on everything. Currently trying to acquire a new group set of chain, gears and derailleur for my mountain bike and there is nothing suitable in stock across Europe, alot of bike firms have closed their orderbooks until 2022 as so much stock was held up in the canal.

  5. 2 hours ago, Valley Axe Man said:

    Yes James they were produced but not in vast numbers, I've a photo of a survivor that's been restored that was displayed at the Somerset Tractor show in 2019, a bit like the Marshall horticultural range of the 184 and 284 that were in effect badge engineering, I must confess that I don't follow the little Marshall tractors that much but know there are 3 all within 5 miles of Chipping Steam fair field but I think I've read somewhere that they are a Ferranti or some Italian made tractor that was sold as a Marshall's

    Interesting stuff Paul, I've been nerding out slightly over these smaller 4x4's recently after discovering the 'original' RTV in some literature at Harper http://www.scampownersclub.org.uk/rtv.htm

    Certainly seeing the prospect of some models in the future.

    • Like 3
  6. Thank you all, 

    Not a big fan of the walking vet bills then John 😂

    Looking forward to trying some new things with greenery for the next section. Hopefully with finishing uni this summer a more permanent living accommodation will allow me the space and time to get the next bit built. 

  7. A two or three axle low bed swan neck Nootboom would fit the bill for that roll though Joe, I suspect they felt they needed to introduce something drastically different to the earlier tri axle semi lowloader. And the 4 axle volvo was the perfect way to use all the castings again while getting people to buy a second model. Arguably a longer chassis with a flatbed for a rigid truck would have been a better way of using the moulds for the farming customer. Unless of course Marge intend to turn the model world on it's head and alter the scale people collect in, I know Techno and to a lesser extent WSI are gaining a poor reputation for quality with lots of models arriving in pieces, maybe they're seeing a shift to 1:32 as the way to solve their quality issues, but I think that's me dreaming abit!

  8. I see that the big Nooteboom lowloaders are landing on these shores, they certainly make for a very imposing model! I expect given their price and the detail level and build quality they'll gain alot of purchases from those use to 1:50th trucks or 1:24 model kits.

    I'm curious to see how things expand with Marges range though as this feels like a useless model, there's very little around that suits sitting on the bed, admittedly their new combines will sit nicely, but a 6 axle lowloader, or even a four axle low bed is alittle overkill for moving combines. I'm loving that Marge are bringing these new trucks, but I feel theres such better subjects they could have chosen. Would love to hear what others think?

  9. A more upclose look at the stone work

    The cottage with its big lintel work and edge Quoins. The old stone drinker sits at the back of the shippon awaiting some compost and bedding plants. The front features wooden doors and window frames while the rear is newer white uPVC.


    Looking down the track to the moors, the stone work here starts at the ground as rough laid foundation stones to get the base up to height. Then its large cut stones gradually decreasing in size up to the top of the gable.


    In the sorting yard a new set of dividers has been put in place, the endless rain is yet to get to the galvanised sheets and the wood is still green from its chemical treatments.


    The gate posts in the sorting yard are all pined to take hinging gates, currently the wooden gates aren't hinged, they sit in place fixed as a tolerance fit.


    The drinks trough burrowed into the stone walling provides a perfect stop off for any sheep heading back onto the moor, and the tree provides shade to keep the water cooled.


    I've always been pleased to get this wall sweeping up with the hill side, how it's done is discussed earlier in the thread.


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