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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Really intrigued by these blocks, seems to make the building style work where you build from the ground up like a real building as opposed to making each side, then bringing them all together like a B&Q shed. I guess it means it's easier to set the building into the landscape as it has to start on the board
  2. Merry Christmas to all forum members, I hope Father Christmas was kind to you, not that any of you would have made it onto the nice list!
  3. Second update is the guide to making trees which can be found here https://modelfarming132.blogspot.com/2018/12/how-to-make-132-trees.html I'd love some feedback on the blog, is it easy to navigate, read and use? Often feels like I'm waffling about nothing and missing out the actually important information.
  4. I've updated a my blog with a few new posts and rather than repeat everything here I'll share the major photos and those that are interested in the detailed description can find a full methodology in the blog here https://modelfarming132.blogspot.com/2018/12/cobblestone-yardroad.html This one is how the cobblestones where made, using the same foamboard as the walls, but by embossing rather than scribing.
  5. A layout well ahead of its time! Certainly wouldn't be out of place on the current show circuit. Disappointed I've never come across this before mind, having spent a long time trawling through older topics.
  6. Cheers guys, deffo got the mojo back, been pouring over the tanker drawings you gave me Paul. Not quite John! Was using plasticotes enamel brush on paint which is dry before its even left the brush so no time was spent waiting for stuff to dry, really speeds up a build
  7. Had lost some mojo after spending so long on the diorama so this weekend I wanted a project that I could start and finish in one hit, so rattled of a pair of old school sliage trailers. I haven't a use for them with my dio though so stuck them on the old eBay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223254761680
  8. Not at all. The Herdwick ewes are a Britains sheep that I've modified and then cast in resin. The ram is sculpted from clay, there's more info in this topic here
  9. I had to check with Paul as to whether you'd been or not! Shame to have missed you but there's always next year, you'll have to get a display together for it
  10. Thanks folk's as I've said, really happy with were it is detail wise now
  11. Got the boards finished just in time for Penrith. Very pleased how it's turned out. Will be adding more build photos over time but for now the finished article. Ready to move onto the next boards now.
  12. Nice additions Gary, some great dio scenes on the go
  13. Think Kids Globe do solar pannels, though not as detailed as those, and Britians made skips for their Skip wagon, think there is someone 3D printing skips too, over in europe. Still very nice products all the same.
  14. Yes finally decided on the name. Not directly from a farm round my area but Grouse is a valley and stream that runs on the moors near by, Knowl is an old word for Hill and many of the farms round me are referred to as Folds, so Grouse Knowl Fold, or in old terms the Farm on the hill where grouse are seen.
  15. Could easily spend a couple of hundred quid there Joe! But for now some useful reference for bits to scratch build
  16. Hahaha, now that'd be an interesting test of my sculpting skills, maybe an idea for next year.
  17. Cheers, some great suggestions there. The cardboard boxes are a really nice simple build to quickly fill up lots of space. Made using the cereal thickness card thats corrugated cardboard coloured, I've found it from packaging CD's get sent in and the box my contact lenses are delivered in. Simply draw out the net of the box same as a real one, cut and fold together.
  18. Starting to build up all the junk required to fill the barn etc. Managed to get a good few bits together but still got half the barn to fill. Would appreciate any ideas as to what else you'd find lying around, bottles and fencing parts are the main two I'm still thinking of adding and a log pile and some more wool bags.
  19. Got the big tree finished, full method to follow. Dominates the layout which is just what I wanted.
  20. Stunning John, a particular congratulations on the glazing, always difficult and again you've pulled it off flawlessly
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