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Everything posted by Stabliofarmer

  1. Not sure how I missed the knock out trailer Stan, it looks like a fantastic model, packed with detail!
  2. I think Broom finish maybe the American term, basically just lightly roughened surface, most yards I'm in are haulage/truck ones, rather than farms so a rough finish is better for traction, particularly in the wet, ruins the toes on boots when your mechanicing on it mind!
  3. Ah I thought that might be the case, around us its all broom finished yards so didn't really know. Should look great when they're all in place!
  4. Some serious construction work on the go here, how do you go about finding inspiration for building, given your the other side of the world to the area you're modelling?
  5. Some wonderful photos here Gary, great lighting and taken from the perfect angles, love the milkers walking down the road too.
  6. Gear all looks to be running well Julian, it'll be an unusual summer ahead, have you seen more people looking for driving positions this summer than previous ones?
  7. Love the colours and the depth they give on the new shed Sean, some really nice atmosphere with it. The concrete panels are fantastic too, the texture and the cracking look perfect. I haven't seen yards done quite like them here so I may be wrong, but the change in heights between each panel seem quite large? I assume they would subside over time though. The silo is excellent too, was working in a collecting yard yesterday with one next door almost identical yesterday and you've got the details spot on like the spiralling pattern of the panels on the side.
  8. Wasn't going to say anything until this was sold. This ended up on ebay as I had two lads who didn't pay for their models out of a batch of ten. The hammer price for this has covers the cost of both their trailers while allowing me to keep a model for my own collection. Will be sticking to kits and truck models though, these proved far more hastle than they're worth. eBay seems a very different place these days to say 5 years ago. High value items will be bid up to near their hammer price in the first day of a listing going live. Previously the first 5 days something would sit at 99p, then a bidding frenzy would occur at the very end. Surely as a buyer its simple logic that bidding early will drive the price up more and you'll end up paying a higher price. Not that I'm complaining, just an observation from what I've sold and watched recently.
  9. I think you're right, looks to be the same bidder with just 3 feedback
  10. Looks like it was indeed too good to be true, relisted now https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303569501718
  11. Just been separating out some Border Leicester's for a customer in Ireland.
  12. Lambing has gone well to be honest, the weather was kind throughout. First year with Texels and there was far more issues than we have with the Swaledales, but that was to be expected. Pleased with the crop of lambs they've had.
  13. Cheers folks. Yes all the ewes are muy own sculpts now, the lambs are just Britain's ones at the moment, hoping to make a few different sizes of them though to suggest different ages.
  14. I've got my business model completely wrong! £260 is what I had charged to build this a few years ago To be fair this seller lists a similar build every couple of months, and prices generally average between £40-£100 so I wouldn't say it's being bid up, just two people that really want it.
  15. Hadn't realised how long it's been since I updated this! Anyway, some photos from this years lambing. Thanks for looking James
  16. Looking great Sean, love the inside shots. And the use of magnets in the roof sounds like the perfect solution!
  17. Great to see the in-build photos Christoph, some excellent work.
  18. Unipower finished and the pole trailer is almost there! Ummmed and Ahhed about colour and went with my usual grey and orange in the end. Just need to sort some chain to hold the anchor up, oh and some wipers. May go with a little bit more weathering as well.
  19. Got the Unipower Timber Tractor ready for paint now, not sure what to do with regards to colours yet. Winch drum can spin, and the anchors can be raised or powered. I've dropped working steering in favour of a more detailed underside, as the front axle is quite visible on the vehicle.
  20. This had been sat in a box as just the chassis for about a year now, so it can be my go at the lockdown challenge, 1/32 Unipower Hannibal Timber Tractor, managed to get half a day in the bodywork, really tough with the amount of different curves on the go, think the shape is roughly there.
  21. Cheers! Chassis coming together now, just waiting on the postie to delivery some more paint for the bodies.
  22. Turns out 10 Trailers require alot of wheels, and alot of rams, two of the bigger jobs now out of the way on this batch. These are my own design of tyre cast from 3D printer masters.
  23. Coming together nicely Sean, those Scaloox (no idea on the spelling) blocks seem to speed up the building process without sacrificing detail.
  24. That's what I like to hear! Thanks Will
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