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Everything posted by NCC

  1. Numerous things over the last week, been busy at it with round bale silage and hay :. Trying to get the hay ready before the rain and storms arrived which meant tedding our big 17 acre hay field 7 times in 27 hours :o :o Managed it though 2220 bales exactly, there all loaded up on trailers at the moment awaiting delivery to horse folk, if the rain ever stops :
  2. What a load of jibberish, I think it's Mccan'tspelloneword in disguise \ \ :D
  3. Kids are a big problem too, some of our fields border some of the rif-raf estates and most times it's like opening up a toy box. Footballs, traffic cones, bikes, scooters are the most common I would say. If were silaging I chuck all the junk back into there gardens which pleases them no end . Have to keep on there nice side when we hay make it though ;D :D
  4. $hit spreading Sean. When you tell the hired muppet's to go $hit spreading they find all sorts of crap like bricks, fencing, etc aswell as the crap it's self to put in the muck spreader. Plus not many farmers roll there ground anymore, so they all pop up come mowing time :
  5. He'd of probably tried to happy slap me or come at me with his moped :D
  6. Ah yes the hired muppet was driving that, he tried ringing me twice when I started launching stones at him. Needless to say I didn't even get close to his head with one > ;D
  7. Come to mention it there were a few, but they were lying down with stars spinning round there head \ \ :D
  8. It did for the first time Sean, seeing a gret lump of concrete go flying up in the air, luckily it chucked them all backwards and not towards the cab ;D
  9. There wild when they hit the auto swather I can tell you :D . It doesn't place them in the swath it launch's them either 40ft in the air or 40ft to the left of the mower :D :D
  10. God knows Sean. The grass was rather tall, a good 4ft in places so was impossible to see down in the undergrowth so I could of had pheasants, partridges, bunny rabbits the lot really, including the bricks > :D
  11. I might of if I'd seen it, was on the phone : The local buzzards had some breakfast at least :D
  12. Mowed 46 acres today for round bale silage, had all 3 Taarup mowers going to get it done etc, seconds after we had pulled out of the gate it pi$$ed it down big time > Also ran over a baby rabbit while I was mowing the back swath, poor thing was wriggling about like theres no tommorrow, after 5 ton went over it :'( :'( :'(
  13. You should of seen our pit come then end of silaging, the front weights were scraping concrete as we come down the ramp :o :D
  14. Why have my Claas Discocococococo's got no rear lights then :D
  15. Are we working round the Beavais MF plant then, that will muck up the bouts :D
  16. I think we'll have to turn Germany, Holland, France etc in to just tattie fields, just to keep your machines running :o
  17. About 300 of em to go with his 500 tattie harvesters :D :D
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