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Everything posted by NCC

  1. Mowed off another 15 acres this morning, which was then tedded out straight away along with the other 25 acres of hay downed from yesterday. Delivered 17 bales of round bale haylage to a mate who unloaded me with his Manitou (sounds filthy don't it \ ) then went off and started stacking some conventional bales as we had 12 acre all rowed up ready to bale. Another hectic day bought to you by NCC :D
  2. Loads, be here all night if I listed them all :D The highlights were a Shelbourne Reynolds swather, 2 Case 2166 Axial Flow's and a rather nice Kuhn Alterna mower :P :P
  3. Most of them will fall out on the way home by the looks of it Sean :D
  4. How much :D Would look smart teamed up with a Joskin :)
  5. Your the little blighter who outbid me :D What was the final price again, ?400+ ??? Fancy selling it ???
  6. I for one think it looks spot on Marky, commercial axles wouldn't go a miss but if your not doing much road work then why bother I say. Everyone with half a brain should know that Baileys are the best trailers on the market ;) ;D
  7. Can't wait to see pics of it again Sean :P Will you be making anymore to sell ???
  8. Not that I'm nosey or anything, well I am really, but just wondered what we were all up to through out the world at this busy time of year ??? Me and me mate delivered 310 bales of hay to a farm this morning. Then after lunch we mowed off another 12 acres for hay and then we went and round baled and wrapped up 10 acres of haylage for some horsey folk. I'm glad i'm charging ?6 a bale as we only got 3 bales to the acre \ \ :o See it's simple :D
  9. Too late, I'm selling the Massey and buying a 1/1 version of that :P
  10. I'm guessing thats an engine of a 40 series Ford or New Holland going by the exhaust. Could be wong though \ \
  11. Looks familar to one of our next doors fleet of dominators, can never remember the numbers :\
  12. Air-con seems to filter most of the stench out, just :D
  13. The amonia coming off it makes your eyes water like hell, if you get too close to it. Great really as we've got 30 acres of hay down right next to one of there gret piles : :D
  14. 3 Case MX 135's 1 McCormick MTX 140 Quivogne disc's 3 leg subsoiler and ballast roller 2 K2 Duo rear discharge spreaders low loader JCB Loadall 535 There all currently improving the soil on the opencast site up our lane by caking it in human crap, smell's great ;D \ \
  15. The MF's the best bit, must be better and more comfartable than the 6640 \ \ I have a fair collection of lynch pins yes, but none of them have been in contact with a JQ or Ford lover ;)
  16. Drawbar and top link smuggler if last week was anything to go by :D
  17. Heres one that DT did for me, I'm sure he could supply you the parts if you wanted to do something similar with yours \
  18. Mowing in style I see powerstar, just like me today ;D ;) You should do what I do and stash all your lynch pins, r-clips, pins, balls etc in little toolbox prefrably on the tractor were no one wlse will find them ;)
  19. It's still a cross, you'll have to describe it to me : :D
  20. Amazing a red cross, I'm going to bed > :D
  21. Where abouts are you from Xylon, if you don't mind me asking . I'm only about a 20 mins drive from Alkmonton tractors ;)
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