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L33 DA17ON

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About L33 DA17ON

  • Birthday 10/03/1985

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    Carlisle Cumbria

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  1. Made this a wile ago but only got round to finishing it off. also made a sheep snacker.
  2. This is what I've been upto. Just a few finishing touches to add.
  3. Its ridiculous could be a typo but might not be. I wonder what the description says I have to go find that and watch it.
  4. This just gets better and better. its Fantastic work your doing there mate. Keep up the good work.
  5. Wow thats a massive cattle shed. I like how you've done the boarding bet it was bit of a pain was it? Looking great though keep up the good work.
  6. Looks tidy that mate. Is there many implements for them? Triple mowers would look cool also. Youve done a tidy job with the blade.
  7. What do they call that cab on the 7610? We had a 6410 with thst style cab. Ive just bought a uh 6410 but with the super q cab I'd love to get it changed to that. Marshall sits so well. Stunning tractor.
  8. Been messing about with a britains unimog. I've been wanting to build one of these since I started messing about thith the britains stuff. Its not perfect as the paint I used was a little thick and has taken ages to dry when I've put it back together its still been soft.
  9. I also watched all the cattle sell last week do you know the seller! They weren't yours where they.? My ebay page couldn't keep up at the very last seconds to the end of each they were very good cattle id of loved to by the longhorns and Highland cows and the mixed beef. The sell had done a fantastic job on them, seller also sold a couple listinings of sheep. I was bid out at £48 for the longhorns couldnt really afford it but you know what it like when you see the minutes going down.
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