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pistol pete

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Everything posted by pistol pete

  1. Well havent added much to this lately but as i have nearly finished a new shed and the diesel tank i will added some pics of these and some new kit that has arrived on the farm. will get some time tommorrow night as the wife is out
  2. well bought a ertle 3140 with opu cab from e bay last night. got it for 15quid including postage well happy considering the prices they have been going for
  3. think i will do a couple of bits to it like a draw bar to tow trailer and and the cb ariel and maybe a sign
  4. well mine came yesterday from Nathan good model. it a big machine though think firhills farms will defiantly be contracting ang getting a water tanker to follow it about.
  5. ye thought so mate think he had a big for a while back doesn't seem to have one brand just must buy the best deal at the time
  6. is there a farm on the other side of the road martin a bit from that field
  7. very nice mate a very good and handy loader tractor for you
  8. Thats the way i have done it on mine mate am going to build another trailer shortly with one on will post pics when i do
  9. here are a couple of pics of the box pusher on our Ronny Gardiner trailer
  10. will look in the catalogue sean to see what i would needed
  11. Will post a couple of pics tommorrow for you mate
  12. Where did you get the cab and bonnet for the 1694 as i wouldn't mind trying one
  13. Looking smart mate very nice set up
  14. bet marky still has a go of the remote controls even though they aint in the correct colours for him
  15. I only joking mate. i am sure red and grey tractors will be welcome mate
  16. no he must have decided to just use the green paint mate if it was red & grey there would be alot more tractors in the workshop( joke everybody)
  17. Nice scotty instead of using a flat piece to hold the box what about a round piece like on the box pushers on the stewart trailers and like the one on our ronny gardiner trailer.
  18. think our one is round the back at the farm. we hire one in from Alan smith when we needed one. last summer we hired in two one on the 6820 and i had the other on the 6830 weren't long in the fields, looked good to
  19. thought you might hire in a big spreader and get it all done in a day mate
  20. root and veg for me, love cereal harvest but you never get on the road with a chaser
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